International Journal of
Physical Sciences

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. Phys. Sci.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1992-1950
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJPS
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2575

Table of Content: 9 November 2011; 6(28)

November 2011

Finite element analysis of a vertical reinforced earth wall

  Reinforced earth wall system has become very popular because of its aesthetic value and ease of construction. In order to optimize the design, it is important to understand its behavior during and after construction. This can be achieved either through field instrumentation or numerical simulation. In this paper, a numerical simulation of a reinforced earth wall construction is described and a parametric...

Author(s): Faisal Ali and Lee Chee Hai

November 2011

Some biochemical compounds in coffee beans and methods developed for their analysis

  In this paper, the literature review related to the chemical characteristics, composition and the various physiological and psychological effects of caffeine, chlorogenic acids in biological system and their relation with coffee quality have been presented. In addition, the contents of these biologically active compounds in coffee beans, the different chemical and physical methods used to analyze these...

Author(s): Abebe Belay

November 2011

Physical characteristics of spectrums and field techniques in detection of ecotone (a case study of Northern Iran)

  Environmental change and socio-economic pressure are expected to have significant impacts on northern Alborz vegetation, particularly along ecotone such as the treeline. Remote sensing may be well suited to monitoring recent changes across the treeline because it captures integrated changes of all vegetation life forms over large spatial extents. This research examines treeline vegetation composition and...

Author(s): K. Solaimani and F. Shokrian

November 2011

Towards an integrated seismic hazard monitoring in Nigeria using geophysical and geodetic techniques

  Nigeria is not situated where major seismic activities are observed in the world; but the country has experienced pockets of tremors comprising of magnitudes ranging from 4.3 to 4.5. The vibrations of the September 11, 2009 event with magnitude 4.4 and epicenter at Allada, Benin Republic, 128 km west of Lagos, Nigeria, was felt in parts of Ibadan and Ogun State, South-western Nigeria. In the same vein, an...

Author(s): Kadiri Umar Afegbua, Yakubu Tahir Abubakar, Akpan Ofonime Umo, Duncan Dauda and Usifoh E. Saturday 

November 2011

Optimal power flow solution using adaptive tabu search

  This paper illustrates an application of adaptive tabu search (ATS) to optimal power flow (OPF) problems in comparison with some effective mathematical and evolutionaryoptimization methods. Although, the ATS was originally developed for solving a combinatorial optimization problem whose parameters are discrete, it has the ability to handle continuous variables by treating them as...

Author(s): Thanatchai Kulworawanichpong

November 2011

Processing and interpretation of advanced space-borne thermal emission and reflection radiometer (ASTER) data for lithological mapping in ophiolite complex

  The Advanced space-borne thermal emission and reflection radiometer (ASTER) remote sensing data has suitable spectral and spatial properties for detailed lithological mapping. ASTER data is highly effective for lithological mapping in arid and semi-arid regions where geologic structures are extensively exposed. This study has applied spectral transform approaches, consisting of principal component analysis...

Author(s): Mazlan Hashim, Mohsen Pournamdary and Amin Beiranvnd Pour

November 2011

Optimum louver angle design for a louvered fin heat exchanger

  This paper suggests a method for finding the optimal louver angle of a fin heat exchanger by use of a simplified conjugate-gradient method (SCGM) and a three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics model. The search for optimum louver angles ranging from θ= 15o to 45o for suitable louver pitches and fluid input velocity are carried out for Reynolds number ReH (based on the fin...

Author(s): Jiin-Yuh Jang and Ying-Chi Tsai

November 2011

Efficiency assessment of a cogeneration system

  For the sustainable usage of fossil fuels; thermodynamic analysis allows for improvements not necessarily attainable via energy methods, like increased efficiency, reduced fuel use and reduced environmental emissions. The first law is widely used in engineering practice and is the basis of the heat-balance method of analysis that is commonly used in energy systems performance analysis. However, the second law...

Author(s): Mustafa Bayrak and Afsin Gungor

November 2011

Identifying genes related with non-small cell lung cancer via transcription factors-target genes relationship

  The developments of gene expression profiling technology have deeply influenced the understanding of lung cancer biology. By microarray data, we constructed a regulation network to identify potential genes that are highly correlated to non-small cell lung cancer. Of the network, some transcription factors and target genes, including perturbation factors (PPARG), ETV4, TGFBR2 and ATP2A2, have been...

Author(s): Wei-Dong Zang, Jian Liu, Li-Shan Wang and Tie-Wen Pan

November 2011

Magnesium and iron removal in mine water using roughing filters

  Roughing filters can be considered as a major pre-treatment process for mine water, since they efficiently separate fine solids particles over prolonged periods without addition of chemicals. A pilot plant was designed at delcoal. The design and sizing of the pilot plant was guided by wegelin design criteria. Gravel was used as a control medium since it is one of the most commonly used roughing filter media...

Author(s): Onyeka Nkwonta

November 2011

Modeling the kinetic of solute diffusion from sugarbeet particles based on electric conductivity measurements

  The aim of the present work is to validate a method based on electric conductivity measurements to monitor and analyze the kinetics of solute transfer at ambient temperature from agro-food solids (sugar beet particles) into a liquid phase (water). The first step consists of studying the correlation between two simultaneous measurements, that is, concentrations and electric conductivity of particles bed. A...

Author(s): Bessadok-Jemai A., Khezami L., Emad A. and Vorobiev E.

November 2011

Investigation of drug delivery on anticancer drug by SWCNT with theoretical studies

  The interaction of anticancer drug Sn(CH3)2(N-acetyl-L-cysteinate), that is called (N-acetyl-L-cysteinato-O,S) dimethyl tin(IV),  with single walled  carbon nanotube (SWCNT) is investigated by Quantum chemical ab initio calculations at HF/(LanL2DZ+STO-3G) and HF/(LanL2DZ+6-31G) levels in gas phase and solution. The solvent effect is taken into account via the self-consistent reaction field (SCRF)...

Author(s): M. Monajjemi, A. Sobhanmanesh and F. Mollaamin

November 2011

Modelling the impact of drug resistance in malaria transmission and its optimal control analysis

  We derive and analyse a deterministic model for the transmission of malaria disease with drug resistance in the infectives. Firstly, we calculate the basic reproduction number, R, and investigate the existence and stability of equilibria. The system is found to exhibit backward bifurcation, with this occurrence, the classical epidemiological requirement for effective eradication of malaria, R < 1, is no...

Author(s): K. O. Okosun and O. D. Makinde

November 2011

Automorphisms of real four dimensional Lie algebras

  We are calculating the automorphisms of real Lie algebras in four dimensional matrix method.  At first, we introduced the adjoint matrices and we reduced Jacobi and mix Jacobs identities to matrix form, then we presented the automorphisms of real lie algebras. At the end we compared our results to another article.   Key words: Lie algebras, Lie brackets, automorphism, adjoint...

Author(s): Mehdipour Kaldiani Payam and Jamiati Mojaba

November 2011

Special type of developable surfaces in terms of focal curves of spacelike biharmonic general helices with timelike normal in the Lorentzian

  In this paper, we study focal curves of spacelike biharmonic general helices in the Lorentzian group of rigid motions . We characterize the spacelike biharmonic general helices in terms of their curvature and torsion in the Lorentzian group of rigid motions . Moreover, we construct parametric equations of special type developable surfaces in terms of focal curves of spacelike biharmonic general...

Author(s): Talat KÖRPINAR and Essin TURHAN

November 2011

Rarely generalized ideal (QUOTE ) QUOTE QUOTE continuous functions in ideal topological spaces

  In this paper, we introduce and study a new notion of functions in ideal topological spaces known as rarely generalized ideal (QUOTE  )- continuous functions and investigate some of their properties. This type of continuity is a generalization of rarely  QUOTE  continuity.   Key words: Rarely continuous functions, rarely  QUOTE  continuous...

Author(s): M. Khan and Murad Hussain

November 2011

Some iterative algorithms for solving regularized mixed quasi variational inequalities

  In this paper, we use the auxiliary principle technique coupled with the principle of iterative regularization to suggest and analyze some new iterative algorithms for solving mixed quasi variational inequalities. We also study the convergence criteria of these algorithms under some suitable and mild conditions. Several special cases are also considered. Results obtained in this paper continue to hold for...

Author(s): Muhammad Aslam Noor, Khalida Inayat Noor, Saira Zainab and Eisa Al-Said

November 2011

Applicability of information and communication technologies (ICTs) in the administration of technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in a knowledge-based society

  Despite the belief that Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) integration makes impact on the entire educational set up, studies directed to ICTs in schools have placed too much emphasis on the variables at class level neglecting other areas which ICTs are applied (for example, administration). In order to have distributed literature the present paper examines ICTs incorporation from the...

Author(s): Muhammad Sukri Saud, Babawuro Shuaibu, Lokman Moh’d Tahir, Yahaya Buntat, Noraffandy Yahaya and Abdulsalam Ya’u Gital

November 2011

Quality of experience key metrics framework for network mobility user

  This paper presents a new framework of Quality of Experience (QoE) in mobile network. The user acceptance of a mobile application depends on the application’s perceived QoE. Currently, there is no comprehensive framework which integrates QoE and Quality of Service (QoS). The components of framework consist of the network mobility users, traffic classification matrixes and QoE key metric. The performance...

Author(s): Rafidah Md Noor and Sajad Khorsandroo

November 2011

Analyzing the geometric accuracy of simple shaped reference object models created by terrestrial laser scanners

  There has been a tremendous amount of research on accuracy, precision and sensitivity of terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) technology from the day it has been first used till today. In this article, geometric and nominal measurements of 3-dimensional (3D) models gathered by scanning object surfaces using TLS were compared to the measurements of real reference models. For this purpose, in order to determine the...

Author(s): Kutalmis Gumus and Halil Erkaya

November 2011

Stresses in a spherical shell by using Lebesgue measure concept

  The problem of elastic-plastic transition stresses in a spherical shell under internal pressure has been solved by using Lebesgue measure temperature with the concept of generalized strain measure. It has been seen that the results are similar to those given by Hulsurkar (1963).   Key words: Creep, compressibility, spherical shell, pressure, Lebesgue measure, transitional stress.

Author(s): Dr. Pankaj

November 2011

Aerodynamic study of greenhouses using computational fluid dynamics

  In the last decade, computational fluid dynamics (CFD) has been used to evaluate ventilation on agricultural facilities, mainly on greenhouses. However, there is lack of information on aerodynamic design on greenhouses. In this work, a CFD model has been used to evaluate wind forces over plastic greenhouse covers. Two different greenhouse geometries plane and round, were studied. The effect of wind velocity...

Author(s): E. Rico-García, G. M. Soto-Zarazúa, O. Alatorre-Jácome, G. A. De la Torre-Geaand D. J. Gomez-Melendez

November 2011

Power boosting of a modified natural gas engine

  This paper presents the experimental results on brake power enhancement of a modified natural gas engine. Conventional natural gas engine produces 15 to 20% less brake power than that of gasoline fired engine. This lacking in compressed natural gas (CNG) engine needs to be recovered through modifications and optimization of fuel injection system to provide complete gas combustion in the engine cylinder. A...

Author(s): M. A. Kalam, S. N. Kazi and M. H. Jayed

November 2011

Scatter-difference discriminant locality preserving projections for palmprint recognition

  We develop an improved LPP method called scatter-difference discriminant locality preserving projections (SDLPP) for palmprint recognition. SDLPP has better classification capability which benefits from discriminant information obtained by maximizing the difference of between-class separability and within-class similarity. SDLPP avoids the singularity problem for the high-dimensional data matrix and can be...

Author(s): JianXin Zhang, XiaoPeng Wei and Qiang Zhang

November 2011

The evaluation of stone column and jet grouting soil improvement with seismic refraction method: Example of Poti (Georgia) railway

  Studies of surface improvement have been carried out in Georgia-Poti in order to decrease surface deformations since surface conditions of railway line that comes from the harbor are too poor. Stone column and jet grouting methods were evaluated together as surface improvement methods. As engineering parameters on the surfaces which are applied, jet grouting are higher than the other method, it was decided to...

Author(s): Devrim ALKAYA, Ä°brahim ÇOBANOÄžLU, Burak YEŞİL and M. Åž. YILDIZ

November 2011

Numerical investigation on exterior reinforced concrete Beam-Column joint strengthened by composite fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP)

  In this paper, the effectiveness of composite fibre reinforced polymer (CFRP) layers for exterior beam-column connections was studied through a finite element model (FEM). ABAQUS environment (Hibbitt et al., 1988) was used for finite element analysis and a model based on a previous experimental test was made. The FEM results were validated by comparing with previous experimental test results. This model was...

Author(s): Hamid Sinaei, Mohd Zamin Jumaat and Mahdi Shariati

November 2011

The comparison of soil-pile interaction and fixed base support for integral prestressed concrete box-girder bridge

  This paper is to investigate the effect of soil-pile interaction for integral prestressed concrete box-girder bridge under low intensity earthquake. The soil-pile interaction was compared to fixed base support to see its effect. In this case study, one integral prestressed concrete box-girder bridge in Selangor, Malaysia had been chosen, that is, Kampung Sawah Bridge. To produce the low seismic loading, the...

Author(s): Meldi Suhatril, Azlan Adnan, Ismail Mohd Taib and Ali Karbakhsh

November 2011

Properties of high calcium wood ash and densified silica fume blended cement

  Recycling industrial waste material as construction material to minimize production of ordinary Portland cement could solve arising industrial waste management problems and increase environmental sustainability. This study focused on the incorporation of wood biomass ash in combination with silica fume in blended cement. In this study, physical and chemical properties of high calcium wood ash (HCWA) and...

Author(s): Cheah Chee Ban and Mahyuddin Ramli

November 2011

Investigating biophysics and bioclimate effect on the health of tourists in Yazd Province using tourism climate index (TCI)

  The ever growing challenges of life in the recent centuries, the spread of different physical and mental diseases, and inactivity due to the development of technology made human to think about taking step for decreasing these problems using natural graces. One of these graces is travel to regions which have proper environmental conditions, especially good climatic conditions in the whole or part of the year....

Author(s): Ali Shakoor