International Journal of
Physical Sciences

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. Phys. Sci.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 1992-1950
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJPS
  • Start Year: 2006
  • Published Articles: 2575

Table of Content: April 2010; 5(4)

April 2010

Air aerosol metal constituent and concentration at Okigwe, Nigeria

Atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) was used to determine the aerosol metal constituent and elemental concentration for 11 elements in air at Okigwe (Lat. 5.40°N, 6.30°N and Long. 7.05°E, 7.35°E) during the 2007/2008 harmattan. The dust sample was collected by direct deposition method under gravity on a Whatmann filter paper. The dust sample was collected for a period of 24 h per day for a total of 30...

Author(s): I. U. Chiemeka

April 2010

A passivity based synchronization between two different chaotic systems

In this paper, we propose a new passivity-based synchronization method for two different chaotic systems. Based on Lyapunov stability theory and linear matrix inequality (LMI) approach, the passivity-based controller is presented to make the synchronization error system between two different chaotic systems not only passive but also asymptotically stable. It is shown that the proposed controller can be obtained by...

Author(s): Choon Ki Ahn, Sung-Tae Jung and Su-Chong Joo

April 2010

Complete space-like hypersurfaces with constant scalar curvature and sectional curvatures in De Sitter space

Hypersurfaces with constant scalar curvature and two different principal curvatures isometrically immersed in an -dimensional space form M’+1 (C)of constant curvature c and especially in   have been extensively investigated within the last four decades. In the present work, we study complete spacelike hypersurfaces with constant scalar curvature and have sectional...

Author(s): Mehmet Erdogan and Jeta Alo

April 2010

On the solution of singular initial value problems in ordinary differential equations using a new third order inverse Runge-Kutta method

A new third order rational Runge-Kutta formula is derived and implemented. Results obtained are compared with the existing formulae to determine the level of its performance, consistency and accuracy. It was discovered from the computation carried out that errors are minimized while using the new scheme.   Key words: Inverse Runge-Kutta method, rational mesh size, rate of convergence, consistence...

Author(s): G. U. Agbeboh and B. Omonkaro

April 2010

Fuzzy semiprime ideals in Γ-rings

In this paper, T. K. Dutta`s and S. K. Sardar`s semiprime ideal of Γ-rings as a fuzzy semiprime ideal of a Γ-rings via its operator rings was defined. Some characterizations of fuzzy semiprime ideal of Γ-rings was obtained. That is; a characterization prove of a fuzzy semiprime ideal, the relationship between fuzzy semiprime ideal and fuzzy prime ideal was obtained. If  QUOTE  is fuzzy...

Author(s): Bayram Ali Ersoy

April 2010

A novel 3D spatial neighbor points coupling surface modeling method for scattered points

This paper reports a novel 3D surface modeling method based on nonlinear auto-regressive moving average with exogenous input (NARMAX) in time domain - 3D Surface modeling based on spatial neighbor points coupling (SMSNPC) for scattered data points. The 3D model of complex surface can be reconstructed through the mutual coupling of neighbor points. The algorithm of adjustment for model parameters is introduced in this...

Author(s): Huipu Xu, Ying Hu and Yuqing Chen

April 2010

Purification and anti-fatigue activity of flavonoids from corn silk

Flavonoids are major active ingredient in corn silk (CS) and possess various pharmacological activities. In this study, microporous resin adsorption technology was used for obtaining purified flavonoids from corn silk (FCS) and its anti-fatigue activity was evaluated. Eight kinds of macroporous resins with different properties were tested through static adsorption and one macroporous resin labeled as AB-8 was selected....

Author(s): Qing-Lan Hu, Li-Jin Zhang, Yan-Nan Li, Yong-Jiang Ding and Feng-Lin Li

April 2010

The performance of construction partnering projects in Malaysia

The construction industry in Malaysia is a competitive high-risk business as the nation strives to emerge as a developed country. The number of construction companies in the country has been sky-rocketing in recent years, including the setting up of many small companies in rural areas. These small companies often face enough problems attaining a good reputation and credibility for themselves, let alone competing with...

Author(s): Azlan-Shah Ali, Zuraidah Mohd-Don, Anuar Alias, Syahrul-Nizam Kamaruzzaman and Michael Pitt

April 2010

Sliding mode control applied to a photovoltaic water-pumping system

In this paper, a nonlinear control of an induction motor (IM) supplied with a photovoltaic generator to assure the level control of two coupled tanks is designed. The global system is decomposed into two separate models thus, coupled are assured by discontinuous command. In the first step, we propose a sliding mode technique to make the speed and the flux control of the IM robust to parameter variations. Then, the aim...

Author(s): Mahmoud Ellouze, Riadh Gamoudi and Abdelkader Mami,

April 2010

Optimal power control game for primary-secondary user in cognitive radio network

In cognitive radio network (CRN), the utilities results in Nash equilibrium of power control game without using pricing are inefficient. In this paper, a distributed power control algorithm is proposed to improve the utilities of both primary user (PU) and secondary users (SUs) in the CRN based on game theoretic framework. A distributed power control is a non-cooperative power control game, and the quality of service...

Author(s): Y.A. Al-Gumaei and K. Dimyati

April 2010

Singular points detection using fingerprint orientation field reliability

Singular Points detection is the most challenging and important process in biometrics fingerprint verification and identification systems. Singular points are used for fingerprint classification, fingerprint matching and fingerprint alignment. This paper overcomes problems of the previous methods of miss-deducting or deducting spurious singular points. We propose a novel algorithm for singular point detection based on...

Author(s): Mohammed Sayim Khalil, Dzulkifli Muhammad, Muhammad Khurram Khan, Khaled Alghathbar,

April 2010

Geoelectrical investigation of geologically controlled hydro-geophysical parameters in Item area, of South Eastern Nigeria

Predominantly argillaceous rock units of middle to upper cretaceous age underlie Item area of South Eastern Nigeria ranging locally from Nkporo Formation (Mid Creataceous) to Ajali (Upper Maastrichtian). While the older Central and Northern sections of the area are underlain by shales and limestones, the Southern area is younger and consists of quartz arenitic sands. Vertical Electrical Sounding data from nine locations...

Author(s): K. K. Ibe and C. C. Z. Akaolisa

April 2010

Influence of soil physical and mineralogical properties on erosion variations in Marlylands of Southern Guilan Province, Iran

Marls are the most talented geological formation of erosion and produce large amount of sediments that annihilate fertile soil and deduct the capacity of dams. Erosion in marls depends on external factors such as distribution of rainfall and internal factors which include soil physical and mineralogical properties. Therefore, the objective of this research was to determine the changes of physical and mineralogical...

Author(s): Hassan Ramezanpour, Leila Esmaeilnejad and Ali Akbarzadeh

April 2010

Developing a spectrophotometric method for the estimation of albendazole in solid and suspension forms

A spectrophotometric method has been developed for the determination of albendazole in bulk, tablet and suspension dosage forms. Solution of albendazole in methanolic glacial acetic acid solution shows maximum absorbance at 235 nm. Beer’s law was obeyed in the concentration range of 2.5 - 20 μg/ml with molar absorptivity of 1.0815 × 104 mol-1 cm-1. The method was applied for the...

Author(s): Adedibu C. Tella, Ojeyemi M. Olabemiwo, Musa O. Salawu  and Gabriel K. Obiyenwa

April 2010

Information and communication technology for participatory based decision-making-E-management for administrative efficiency in Higher Education

Though many organizations have developed their own approaches in ensuring reliable decision making processes, not many have used technology to ensure effective participatory based decision making. This paper presents a model that incorporates reliable participatory based decision making practices and quality management indicators through strategic use of technology, an initiative of a faculty in a higher institution of...

Author(s): Fatimah Hashim, Gazi Mahabubul Alamand Saedah Siraj