May 2015
The road to a better life: A critical perspective on human trafficking, global inequalities and migration from Mozambique towards Europe
This work discusses the root causes behind human trafficking in the sex industry, from Mozambique to South Africa and, eventually, Europe. With examples taken from younger Mozambican women called curtidoras since 2007, social obligations towards poor families, awareness of global inequalities and dreams of going to Europe are major drivers of migration northwards and that current anti-trafficking policies do not take...
May 2015
Street vending as the safety-net for the disadvantaged people: The case of Jimma Town
Jimma town is one of the largest towns in South Western part of the country; it hosts significant amount of people who make their life through informal sectors in general and street vending in particular. This study was aimed at exploring the street vending activities in urban informal sector in Jimma town with particular reference to three streets with too much concentration of street vendors. The general objective of...
May 2015
Issa-Afar re-membering, re-presentation and dramaturgy of violence
This paper presents the phenomenology of Issa-Afar protracted violence in Ethiopia from hitherto unexplored vintage points of remembering (subjective memory), re-presentation (narrative construction and re-construction of remembering), and dramaturgy (the discursive and performative utility) of violence. Issa-Afar violent conflict is one of the most protracted violent conflicts in the Horn of Africa that unabatedly...