International Journal of
Sociology and Anthropology

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. Sociol. Anthropol.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2006-988X
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJSA
  • Start Year: 2009

IJSA Articles in press


Article in Press

Male breast cancer has a higher mortality rate compared to female breast cancer, yet it remains under-explored in terms of its potential consequences. The study aims to explore the knowledge of men on male breast cancer (MBC) in Ghana. Through in-depth interviews, twenty-two (22) participants between the ages of 18 and 70 were purposively and conveniently selected, using a qualitative approach. This study employed thematic...

Author(s):Joyce Nana-Amankwah and Jonathan Mensah Dapaah

Bridging Health Research, Policy and Data: Challenges and Opportunities on the Path to Vision 2040

Article in Press

This paper critically assesses the process of linking health research and policy making in Oman with the objectives of Vision 2040 in Oman. It shall critically evaluate key strides and persistent challenges based on strategic health initiatives, childhood health programs, and the capacity of the governance system to translate research into evidence-based policies. Through an integrated analysis, this study assesses how...

Author(s):Bobby Sathyaseelan, Anju Mathew Cheriyan & Indu G Pillai

An assessment of the impact of new media on youths: A study on Santal Community of Angul District, Odisha

Article in Press

New Media is the digital form of any media like news, blogs, web sources, and social platforms whose ultimate aim is to render information. In recent times, the youth have been very susceptible to using the new media in numerous ways. The study aims to (i) assess the uses of new media in the day-to-day life of youths of the Santal community and (ii) examine the effect of the new media on social and cultural life among the...

Author(s):Hemalata Agrawalla, Meera Swain and Sony Parhi

Living on the Margin and Considered as Minority: Manifestations of Poor Implementation of Federalism in Marginalizing Subnational Rural Farmers’ from Development Initiatives; Evidence from Central Ethiopia, Amhara Regional State

Article in Press

Ethiopia is a federal state governing its people based on the principle of multiculturalism. However, its practical materialization is contested because some groups are haphazardly demarcated to intra-state administration irrespective of their ethno-linguistic, cultural and geographical basis. In Ethiopia, those people who are under the administrations of regional state out of their home land people are facing a serious...

Author(s):Betemariam Alemayehu Tulu

Sociological Analysis of Stress Management among Farmers and Rural Development In Selected Communities in Kwara State, Nigeria

Article in Press

Rural farmers often find themselves in the dual role of both managers and laborers, shouldering the responsibility for numerous farming challenges over which they have limited control. While they devote significant time and effort to ensuring the safety and enhancement of their crops, land, and livestock, it is concerning that they often neglect their own physical, social, and mental well-being, thereby increasing the risk...

Author(s):Sunkanmi Folorunsho and Oluwakemi Abdulrazaq

Doing Ethnography in an Oil Refinery, Nigeria: An Epistemological Concern

Article in Press

This Paper contributes to the arguments on the need for researcher doing workplace study to pay attention to nuanced issues that underpin his workplace ethnography. The paper does this through a critical ethnographic perspective, to demonstrate how the context of a workplace should influence the method of knowing the workplace. It offers a critical explanation as to why a researcher should adopt a more reflexive approach...


Urbanizing Caste, Class and Gender in India: A Study of Cinema Theatres in Small Town

Article in Press

The process of urbanization in India had started with the arrival of the British. The British for their aesthetic and cultural requirements introduced the cinema hall and theatre culture in India. This Paper is an account of political economy of the development of the theatre and cinema hall culture in India. It argues that in the initial phase of the opening of theatres and cinema halls in the Ahmednagar, Maharashtra were...

Author(s):Nagnath Shelake

Africa’s Response to COVID-19: A Governmentality in disguise masterclass?

Article in Press

At the risk of oversimplification, virtually all recent research that scrutinizes COVID-19 has been propelled by quite identical points of departures which chief in their assessment, portray how the pandemic accentuates the likelihood of illiberal or autocratic regimes to impose and tighten restrictions on civil liberties. This paper is no different as it is predicated along this initial starting point but is also carrying...

Author(s):COVID-, Foucault, Governmentality, Disciplinary Power Number of words:


Article in Press

Mob justice is not unique to Lagos and Nigeria; however the failure of Nigerian criminal justice institutions and agencies to prevent or punish those who engage in it, has lent an air of acceptability to the practice. The success of a legal policy rests squarely on a number of extra-legal factors, least of which is public perception and a cluster of cultural values, hence, this study investigates public perception in Lagos...

Author(s):Tosin Osasona

Promoting Migration Communication in Nigeria: Re-strategizing Campus Radio for Discourse Inclusiveness

Article in Press

This paper focuses on campus radio’s contributions to strengthen the discourse on migration, to regulate irregular migration in Nigeria, and on the needed strategies by which these contributions could be achieved. This consideration is made within the conceptual framework of the coordinated management of meaning theory. Five campus radios were studied. Using oral interviews and documentary study, findings show that...

Author(s):Patrick Edem Okon, Okon Effiong Udoyo and Patrick Ene Okon

Perspectives of Local Community and Staff on Benefits of Forest Park; Evidence from Subba Sabbata; Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia

Article in Press

It is clear that protected areas have both benefits and costs on local community. This article aims to explore views of community members and forest park administration staff on benefits of forest park for local community; with particular reference to Subba Sabbata Forest Park. The study relied on both primary and secondary sources. It is qualitative in nature in which key informant interview, focus group discussion and...

Author(s):Bayissa Kisi Lemi

Social recognition and denial of recognition in the governance process in the Municipality of Allada in the Republic of Benin

Article in Press

Local public administration is the heart of the social dynamics around which materials of social recognition are mobilized. The objective here is to analyze the performance of these materials within the local public administration in the Municipality of Allada in Benin. A qualitative approach is adopted around fifty key players in local governance. Reasoned choice and snowball sampling techniques through the interview...

Author(s):Montcho Rodrigue Sèdjrofidé

Reconstruction of rural customs: Adherence of rural inhabitants to traditions as a way of prioritizing local models over governmental management in a participatory process

Article in Press

In recent decades, the central government of Iran has established and consolidated the urban management structure in rural areas in order to better achieve its policies and goals. However, evaluations indicate that villagers are unwilling to participate in these rural management structures to address community issues. The present study aimed to survey the discourses used by rural residents to reinforce the conventions and...

Author(s):Ghasem Tahmasizadeh Navakh

Emerging Identities and Socio-Cultural Adaptation: A Case from Panika Community

Article in Press

The interaction of ethnic communities with the mainstream population is a continuous process since from the advent of civilizations. As a result of prolonged association, indigenous communities started emulating dominant groups life style, economy, belief systems, customs and traditions. Several minorities communities are facing identity crisis as some scholars trying to assimilate in Hindu fold while other promoted...

Author(s):D.V. Prasad

The Effects of armed conflict on the families of slain militants in Kashmir: A Sociological Study

Article in Press

Armed conflicts have debilitating effects on all aspects of life and on all sections of society. Conflicts worldwide have complex and wide-ranging impact on people.As the fact stands, children and women have emerged as the most sufferings in the conflict situation throughout the world even in modern times.In actuality,they suffer in totatality at the individual as well as group levels. In a paper entitled ‘Promoting well...

Author(s):Asima Hassan

Current status of handicraftsmen and their skill products in supporting the livelihood of Zeyse and Ganta Communities in Gamo Zone (Southern Ethiopia)

Article in Press

Background: Traditional knowledge of craft production supports the livelihood of everybody from children to adults of both genders and is passed down from generation to generation. This knowledge results from a combination of creativity, cultural heritage and the environment of the crafts people. Ethiopia is the home to people with the most diverse knowledge of ethno-linguistic backgrounds, with their customs, arts and...

Author(s):Abayneh Unasho, Solomon Mengistu and Fisha Mesfine

Prevalence of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM): The Prospective Form Angacha District Kembata Community; SNNPRS, Ethiopia

Article in Press

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is recognized internationally as a violation of human rights of girls and women constituting an extreme form of gender discrimination with documented health consequences. The study aimed to assess the prevalence of FGM practice in the study area. The study was both quantitative and qualitative in nature and to this end we carried out a cross-sectional prospective descriptive study in the...

Author(s):Asebe Awol Amado

The Digital Stroll: Changing Patterns and Work Spaces of Commercial Sex in Nigeria

Article in Press

This paper examines how digital technologies have impacted on the structure and organization of commercial sex work (prostitution) in Nigeria. Data was obtained primarily from interviews with purposively sample 72 sex workers and two sex industry web platforms in Port Harcourt and adopted a theoretical framework founded on Leotard’s theory of postmodernism. It was discovered that most online sex workers operate with...

Author(s):JACKSON Onome Robinson and MUHAMMAD Tasiu Dansabo

Female Labor Force Participation: The Impact of Education and Fertility on Employment and Employment Choice of Females (A Case Study of Ghana).

Article in Press

This paper examines the impact of education and fertility on female labor force participation and employment choice in Ghana within the framework of the foundational theory of time allocation by Becker, (1965). The paper utilizes data from the Ghana Living Standards Survey (GLSS 7 ) conducted in 2017. Both probit and multinomial probit estimation techniques are adopted. The paper finds that contrary to theoretical...

Author(s):Precious Wedaga Allor

Influence of policing strategies on family life of married police officers in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya

Article in Press

Despite the enormous efforts made by governments on police reforms, the focus has steadily been on institutional policing reforms and not on the social or mental welfare of the police officers. Of special interest is the family life of married police officers creates unique marital difficulties. When police officers carry work-related stress and behaviors into the home, they may experience difficulties in their family...

Author(s):Ndombi Caroline Sikulu, E.M. Were, Jeanne Mogusu and Willice Abuya


Article in Press

Radical feminism is one of the branches of feminism which deals with the root causes of women oppression, subordination and the solution for the troubles. The objective of this review was in order analyzed the contradiction between radical feminists point of view with the Ethiopian culture and religion which is the ignored agenda. To interpret this issue secondary source of data were employed. The review investigates that...

Author(s):Shewaye Semaw

Shifting the Labour Post: A Gaze into the Conditions of Casual Laborers

Article in Press

The study examined the conditions of casual laborers at the Cement Company of Northern Nigeria (CCNN), Sokoto. Neoliberal theory was used as theoretical guide. Qualitative methods of data collection were employed using 6 focus group discussions comprising casual workers and 5 key informant interviews for management staff as instruments of data collection. The data were analyzed using content analyses. The data revealed...

Author(s):Usman Dabai Ibrahim and Amzat Jimoh

Provision of Rehabilitation Services to People with Physical Impairment in Bahir Dar Physical Rehabilitation Center, in Bahir Dar, North West Ethiopia

Article in Press

The purpose of this study was to explore provisions of rehabilitation service in Bahir Dar Physical Rehabilitation Center. Types of rehabilitation service, main challenges and strategies used to solve the problems were the specific objectives of this study. Qualitative research approach and case study design were employed. Multiple data sources which include in-depth interview and key informant interview were used to...

Author(s):Dires Addis, Hayelom Abadi Mesele and Yihunie Terefe

The role of International Partners in return migration policymaking and implementation: the case of the German Cooperation for Development (GIZ) in Cameroon

Article in Press

In recent decades, the relationship between migration and development is a subject of renewed interest, the main concern being to know the impact of emigration on the economic and social development of the South. While migrants can contribute to the development of country of origin through remittances, they can also participate through their knowledge transfer and network of contacts. In this context, a bilateral and...

Author(s):Charles Simplice Mbatsogo Mebo

The Impact of Advertisements on Adolescents’ Decision to Consume Beer: The Case of Selected High School Students in Shashemene town, West Arsi zone

Article in Press

Advertising of alcoholic beverages is a potential public health issue if it can be shown that advertising has a direct and material effect on alcohol consumption. A substantial proportion of alcohol advertising reaches an underage audience and is presented in a style that is attractive to youths. The objective of the research was to assess the impact of beer advertisements in the decision of adolescents to drink beer in...

Author(s):Bewunetu Zewude Gebremeskel and Mathewos Abebe Mengesha

Classical Sociology and Globalization: A Closer Look into Karl Marx’s Analysis of Primitive Accumulation

Article in Press

This paper was written with the major objective of tracing the roots of globalization in the writings of classical thinker, more specifically in those of Adam Smith, Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, and Karl Marx. The paper bases its analysis on the assumption that globalization just like other stages of capitalist development has new components, and just like any of the other stages, owes its advent to the origins of...

Author(s):Demelash Belay


Article in Press

The research was conducted in the capital of Amhara National Regional State of Ethiopia, Bahir Dar City. The need to conduct this study had emanated from multiple justifications. These rationale include: (1) the 2002 UNESCO Cities for Prize Award to Bahir Dar, that appreciated the municipality in the management of the challenges against the rapid process of urbanization, (2) a traveler featuring article described the...

Author(s):Moges Gebreegziabher Woldu

Insecurity And Social Order In Arege And Olugbo Communities In Ogun State, Nigeria

Article in Press

Insecurity is one of the greatest obstacles negating quest for social order in all developing and developed countries. Prevalence of insecurity in Nigeria has gotten to a state where Nigerian cannot confidently sleeps with the two eyes close because of the rewarding ends of insecurity such as trauma, economic downturn, vandalization of properties, civil unrest, untimely death and loss of hope in governmental activities....

Author(s):Ogunmefun, Folorunsho Muyideen

Perceptions, Practices and Challenges of Oromo Gabbara Marriage System: The Case of Some Selected Woredas of Bale and West Arsi Zones

Article in Press

The main objective of this study was to investigate perceptions, practices and Challenges of Oromo Gabbaraa Marriage system in the case of some selected woredas of Bale (Sinana and Rayitu) and West Arsi (Shashemene and Shalla) zones. To meet the suggested objectives, the researchers mainly employed ethnography research designforit can guide them to understand larger-scale, macro-level phenomena, cultural practices over...

Author(s):Muktar Ahmed, Sufiyan Alo, Dalu Abbuni, Issa Hassen

Public Trust of the Police and its Implications for Crime Prevention, Prevalence and Detection in Addis Ababa: The Case of Kirkos Sub-city

Article in Press

This study was conducted with the aim of assessing the level of public trust of the police; identifying the major factors that shape public trust of the police, and exploring its relationship with crime rate, detection and prevention. In doing so, survey was employed which focused on gathering information on the major issues under study which included; the variations in the level of trust of the police among categories of...

Author(s):Zerebruk Zewdu Tesfaye

Socio-economic Factors influencing Healthcare Utilization among Border Residents in Southwest Nigeria

Article in Press

Factors influencing health seeking behaviour are similar across populations, but how they interact and influence the actions of the people is often unique to a population in the context of the environment they live in. The study therefore, examined factors influencing healthcare utilization among the border residents in southwest Nigeria. A cross-sectional survey which involved multi-sampling technique was used to select...

Author(s):Raji Sakiru.O.


Article in Press

In article means of pedagogical ensuring social work with youth in Kazakhstan are considered. The author analyzes the priority directions of youth work within Junogogic as a complex, interdisciplinary science and a multipurpose sphere of practical activities. The Kazakhstani society closely approached understanding of that traditional institutes of socialization do not provide the parameters necessary for social...

Author(s):Teslenko Alexander


Article in Press

The role of family in nation building could not be over-emphasized; children are the leaders of tomorrow. The importance attached to effective child upbringing necessitated establishment of international agencies like United Nation International Children Emergency Funds, Amnesty International, Red Cross, Care International and others. The kind of profession most Nigerian parents engage in impede their effective parenting...


Socio-Economic Conditions of Street Children: The Case of Shashemene Town, Oromia National Regional State, Ethiopia

Article in Press

This research examines the socio-economic conditions of street children in Shashemene Town of Oromia National Regional State. The purpose was to assess the socio-economic conditions of street children in Shashemene Town. In order to realize this aim, both qualitative and quantitative types of data were collected from primary and secondary sources. The quantitative data were collected from 234 street children through...

Author(s):Issa Hassen and Madelyn R. Mañus

Sand Sleeping Tradition in The Term of Health and Sick for Legung Beach Shore Society at Batang – Batang Sub District in Sumenep Regency

Article in Press

Sleeping on sand is an odd tradition spread along three beach shore villages include in East Legung which is not common for other villagers. This peculiarity activity will not be founded on any other villages around those three areas. General aim on this research is to found local villager’s comprehension related to sleeping on sand which is based on focus of the study dealing with local value as social capital source...


Analysis of Gender Discrimination at workplace in India

Article in Press

Aim: To study the Gender Discrimination at workplace in India. Materials and Methods: Present work deals with real case study of women at workplace is considered and questionnaire for gender discrimination at workplace is prepared and statistical analysis is used to find out some of important observations related to women at working place. Results and Discussion: A model is also proposed by the use of most popular...

Author(s): Zaidi Tas


Article in Press

Society is a web of relations between the various individuals that comprise it. These relations differ from individual to individual as every member of the society has a diverse personality and mental make up. The present interest however is on the ever rising rate of crime, increasing influence of criminals in society, violation of the rights and what ought to be done about all these serious developments. Here, emerges...

Author(s):GARIMA PAL


Article in Press

This paper focuses on environmental and human rights issues in relation to the Chad-Cameroon pipeline project. Access to fossil energy has become a global challenge to world leading nations. African petroleum (1, 40%) that was not long ago underrated has finally assumed a geopolitical and geo-strategic importance in this decade. This can be noticed from the high number of companies involved in oil prospecting and...

Author(s):SOCPA Antoine


Article in Press

Undoubtedly, the demography of Christianity as a global religion has shifted inexorably to the Southern continents, especially, Asia and Africa. However, much still remains to be seen in how the different Christian communities worldwide image, appropriate, and renegotiate Christian beliefs and practices in terms of local sensitivity or cultural contexts. This paper contends that it is the "translation principle” in...

Author(s):Gbule Ndidi Justice

Identity and immigration

Article in Press

The general purpose of this research has elected, as object of research, the experience of dekasegi’s children (dekasegi is a term used to describe Japanese descendants who are born in Brazil and go to Japan looking for a job) about living with two distinct cultures when they follow their parents in long-time work seasons in Japan and when they return to Brazil later. For that purpose, interviews were held with dekasegi...



Article in Press

The problem of colonialism continues to emerge in all aspect of the lives of the colonized and even appear in a new form following the trajectory of structured system by the colonial agents. Among the African nations colonized, their economy, political system and the host of other activities are still in the trajectory of the colonially structured concepts and precepts. In Nigeria in particular, almost every facet of...

Author(s):Okafor Samuel Okechi

From Hell to Hull: Images and Voices of Women of the Iraqi Diaspora in the United Kingdom

Article in Press

In this article I examine how immigrant Iraqi women navigate British society in Kingston upon Hull and the implications for both the host society and migrants. I investigate the formation of the diasporic community to measure the impact of this cultural resettlement and the redefining of social values. Besides being subjected to constraints based on their ethnic origins as Middle Easterners, the women also faced...

Author(s):FARAH ALI


Article in Press

In Indonesia, agricultural development has significantly played a great role in economic development. Local rice farming in Bali province is very strongly related to social, cultural and religious aspects of Balinese which is based on the subak system as cultural farmers’ organization with its philosophy called Tri Hita Karana, which becomes a basis of its internal regulations (traditional laws). Subak has some roles in...

Author(s):SEDANA GEDE and Putu Dyaatmikawati

Traditional maternal health beliefs and practices in Southern Tigray: A case study of Raya Alamata District

Article in Press

Maternal health is the health of women during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum period which is crucial for the well-being of a mother and new born baby. Unfortunately, most women in Ethiopia do not receive these services due to perceived traditional beliefs and practices. Apparently, women in Raya Alamata District are no exception. Astonishingly, the issue of maternal health seems to have not been explored in detail so...

Author(s):Hayelom Abadi Mesele

The link between employment stability and fertility intention: A cross sectional study

Article in Press

This paper analyzes the impact of employment stability on fertility intention and behavior. University teachers were interviewed to understand their fertility intentions and behavior by addressing their present employment status and transition to having a first and second child. Information was randomly collected from 174 university teachers that work in public and national university in Bangladesh by following a...

Author(s):Shah Imran Ahmed

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