International Journal of
Water Resources and Environmental Engineering

  • Abbreviation: Int. J. Water Res. Environ. Eng.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-6613
  • DOI: 10.5897/IJWREE
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 350

Table of Content: May 2017; 9(5)

May 2017

Evaluation of water supply and demand: The case of Shambu town, Western Oromia, Ethiopia

Shambu town has faced a problem of potable water supply, still large number of people did not have access to adequate amount of potable water and frequent water interruption is a common problem.  The objective of this research was to evaluate the existing water pressure map and water demand. To achieve this goal, the following input data were collected, base population, growth rate, and pressure map of the area,...

Author(s): Mulatu Kassa

May 2017

Rainfall-runoff relation and runoff estimation for Holetta River, Awash subbasin, Ethiopia using SWAT model

The hydrology of Holetta River and its seasonal variability is not fully studied. In addition to this, due to scarcity of the available surface water and increase in water demand for irrigation, the major users of the river are facing a problem of allocating the available water. Therefore, the aim of this research was to investigate the water availability of Holetta River using Geographical Information Systems (GIS)...

Author(s): Mahtsente Tibebe, Assefa M. Melesse and Dereje Hailu

May 2017

Characterization of Beles River Basin of Blue Nile sub-Basin in North-Western Ethiopia using Arc-Hydro tools in Arc-GIS

Ethiopia is constantly affected by shortage of water for rain-fed agriculture, mainly because of lack of proper water resources utilization and management practices. For the efficient use of available surface water resources with balanced attention to maximize economic, social, and environmental benefits, it is necessary to have effective integrated water resources assessments and planning. Beles River Basin is one of...

Author(s): Ashebir Haile Tefera