October 2022
Assessment of the hygienic quality of groundwater for drinking and domestic use in the peri-urban villages of the municipality of Jacqueville in Côte d'Ivoire
The shortages in the distribution of drinking water from the public network in the municipality of Jacqueville lead the population of the peri-urban villages of the said municipality to turn to well water, the quality of which remains a concern. The objective of this study is to evaluate the hygienic quality of well water used by the population for their domestic needs. The measurement and sampling were carried out on...
October 2022
Investigation of voltage storage capacity for the variation of electrode materials in microbial fuel cells with experimentation and mathematical modelling
Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) are considered as one of the best prospective natural resources to be discovered on the way to reduce the dependence on fossil fuel-based electricity generation. However, low power generations from MFCs, expensive electrode materials, and the inability to scale-ups MFCs to industrially relevant capacities have made the usage of MFC even worse. The utilization of MFCs in the area of...
October 2022
Modelling daily river discharge using stochastic differential equation in Ouémé at Savè Basin, Benin, West Africa
This work aims to study the uncertainties in the rainfall-runoff process using a stochastic approach derived from the deterministic hydrological model based on the least action principle (ModHyPMA). The stochastic formulation of ModHyPMA allows for consideration of both the dynamics and stochastic nature of the hydrological phenomenon. The main assumption is that uncertainties in the hydrological process are...