Journal of
African Studies and Development

  • Abbreviation: J. Afr. Stud. Dev
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2189
  • DOI: 10.5897/JASD
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 243

Article in Press

Igbo traditional security system: A panacea to Nigeria security ¬¬¬–quagmire

Anedo Alex Alfred Onukwube

  •  Received: 08 May 2017
  •  Accepted: 20 June 2017
This is a study on Igbo traditional security system believed to be of help in solving Nigerian and global security challenges if adopted by Governments. Among the Igbo people, there are devices and ways of securing life and property. These devices and ways used by the Igbo in checkmating stealing, witchcraft, terror, accident, fraud, war, embezzlement, internet crime and others are Ngige, Ọgwụ amosu, Nkwụ ọgwụ, Iji ọgwụ, Ọgwụ mkpụ, Ọgwụ ibobo, Ọgwụ nde, Ịṅụ or Ịtụ álụsị and Ịma ịta. With these, issue of security is properly managed. Unfortunately, with the colonization of Nigeria by the British and subsequent conversion of greater number of citizens to Christianity, those traditional ways are termed fetish, illegal and unacceptable. Therefore, western ways of dealing with crimes came into use. However, instead of reducing crime, the new system became a failure and Nigeria started experiencing sophisticated crimes hence the need for this study which aims at bringing to limelight, traditional apparatus for securing life and property amongst the Igbo. It also examines how they are used and suggest how such could be integrated into Nigeria and Global security systems. There were interview questions posed to randomly selected adult and younger individuals of Igbo origin, victims of several crimes and those that escaped. Views of the interviewees collected, formed part of the analysis of this study. It found that due to applications of some devices, most criminals were caught and many innocent individuals escaped being hurt by criminals. It discovered that no one watches over a city, life and property better than the spirits hence Igbo’s applications of the devices which in their belief, are the spirits. The spirits are deities and charms. Given the potency of these devices as evidenced in so many ways and times, this study suggests that all Governments should adopt these devices, liaise with Igbo experts for expansion and legislate on their uses for maximum Global security.

Keywords: Protection, remedy, predicament.