This paper examines gender inequalities in the process of decentralization in Togo. Although women represent 51.4% of the Togolese population (GCPH, 2010), they are poorly represented in decision-making. The goal of this research is to analyze the impact of decentralization on women’s involvement and inclusion as development actors in the national and local spheres. Through a documentary review and interviews, we were able to collect necessary information regarding the decentralization process and women’s inclusion in Togo. The findings revealed women are poorly represented in decision-making bodies. The results of municipal elections, which are supposed to make decentralization effective, showed considerable imbalance between the number of women and men elected. This revealed the low inclusion of women in Togo’s decentralization process. Thus, so that women can better participate in the decentralization process, it is important that the Togolese government adopt policies that promote access for elected women to executive positions and promote, through training and awareness-raising workshops, female leadership in schools, universities and rural areas.
Keywords: Decentralization, Election, Gender equity, Local community, Women inclusion