Full Length Research Paper
This paper analyzes the corporate financial reporting legal and regulatory environment in Ethiopia. The aim of the paper is reviewing and examining the legal and regulatory requirements for corporate financial reporting, and analyzing the extent of the implementation of policy recommendations made by ROSC Ethiopia team in 2007. Qualitative research was employed through analysis of legal and non-legal documents (such as Commercial codes, various proclamations, regulations and directives, manuals academic literatures, newspapers, etc.). The empirical results of the study revealed that there were inadequate laws that stipulate the detail minimum requirements and formats for presentation and disclosures of both financial and non-financial information in financial statements of Corporate Companies in Ethiopia. Regarding the extent of the implementation of the recommendations made by Reports on Observance of Standards and Codes (ROSC) Ethiopia (2007), the examination of legal and regulations revealed that the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia has enacted financial reporting law, established the regulatory body, adopted IFRS instead of setting its own accounting standards and mandated International Standards on Auditing (ISA) for auditors.
Key words: Ethiopia, accounting standards, financial reporting, legal and regulatory environment.
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