Journal of
Accounting and Taxation

  • Abbreviation: J. Account. Taxation
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-6664
  • DOI: 10.5897/JAT
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 217

Full Length Research Paper

Analysis of the level of compliance with the code of ethics in the accounting profession

Aila Bulo
  • Aila Bulo
  • Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Auditoria de Moçambique (ISCAM)/ Higher Institute of Accounting and Audit of Mozambique (ISCAM), Mozambique.
  • Google Scholar
Filipe Mahaluça
  • Filipe Mahaluça
  • Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Auditoria de Moçambique (ISCAM)/ Higher Institute of Accounting and Audit of Mozambique (ISCAM), Mozambique.
  • Google Scholar
Alfeu Vilanculos
  • Alfeu Vilanculos
  • Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Auditoria de Moçambique (ISCAM)/ Higher Institute of Accounting and Audit of Mozambique (ISCAM), Mozambique.
  • Google Scholar
Emidio Mabjaia
  • Emidio Mabjaia
  • Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Auditoria de Moçambique (ISCAM)/ Higher Institute of Accounting and Audit of Mozambique (ISCAM), Mozambique.
  • Google Scholar
Anatolia Maite
  • Anatolia Maite
  • Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Auditoria de Moçambique (ISCAM)/ Higher Institute of Accounting and Audit of Mozambique (ISCAM), Mozambique.
  • Google Scholar
Júlio Macuacua
  • Júlio Macuacua
  • Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Auditoria de Moçambique (ISCAM)/ Higher Institute of Accounting and Audit of Mozambique (ISCAM), Mozambique.
  • Google Scholar
Octávio Manhique
  • Octávio Manhique
  • Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Auditoria de Moçambique (ISCAM)/ Higher Institute of Accounting and Audit of Mozambique (ISCAM), Mozambique.
  • Google Scholar

  •  Received: 15 April 2020
  •  Accepted: 07 July 2020
  •  Published: 31 August 2020


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