African Journal of
Bacteriology Research

  • Abbreviation: J. Bacteriol. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2006-9871
  • DOI: 10.5897/JBR
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 123

Table of Content: March 2011; 3(3)

March 2011

Bacterial contamination: A comparison between rural and urban areas of Panipat District in Haryana (India)

  A randomized sampling from open air of the kitchens in rural vs urban households to determine bacterial contamination of Haryana (India) were carried out by taking 80 samples between July to September 2009. 40 samples of each in rural and urban area were collected in culture plates. The inoculation procedures were varied from direct inoculation of the kitchen air into the nutrient agar medium. Identification...

Author(s): Tyagi Shruti, Tyagi Pankaj K., Panday Chandra Shekhar and Kumar Ruchica

March 2011

Biodegradation model on effect of some physicochemical parameters on aromatic compounds in fresh water medium

Author(s): C. P. Ukpaka

March 2011

Multiplex polymerase chain reaction assay for the detection of Salmonella enterica serovars in shrimps in 4 h

  A rapid and sensitive multiplex polymerase chain reaction (MPCR) based assay was developed for the detection of Salmonella enterica serovars such as Typhi (ATCC 122235), Paratyphi A (MTCC 735), Typhimurium (MTCC 98), Enteritidis (ATCC 13065), Weltevreden (MTCC 1169) Bovismorbificians (MTCC 1162), Brunei (MTCC 1168), Arizonae (MTCC 660) and Infantis (MTCC 1167) in shrimps within 4...

Author(s): K. Thirumalai Raj, G. Jeyasekaran, R. Jeya Shakila, A. Jemila Thangarani and D. Sukumar