Full Length Research Paper
Numerous species of the genus Acinetobacter have been known to cause various nosocomial infections. An insight into the pathogenesis of Acinetobacter baylyireveals that it is a potent organism in causing nosocomial infections. In this study, choke point analysis of the entire metabolic network of A. baylyi is performed to assess potential drug targets. Potential drug targets are proposed based on the analysis of the top 8 choke points in the bacterial network. A comparative study between the reported top 8 bacterial choke points and the human metabolic network was performed. Further biological inferences were made on results obtained by performing a homology search against the human genome. The study was successful in listing out of the potential drug targets from these pathways which may be useful for the discovery of broad-spectrum drugs.
Key words: Choke points, Acinetobacter baylyi, human genome, drug discovery, metabolic pathway, opportunistic pathogen.
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