Journal of
Bioinformatics and Sequence Analysis

  • Abbreviation: J. Bioinform. Seq. Anal.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2464
  • DOI: 10.5897/JBSA
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 50

Full Length Research Paper

Existence of snoRNA, microRNA, piRNA characteristics in a novel non-coding RNA: x-ncRNA and its biological implication in Homo sapiens

Kandhavelu Meenakshisundaram*, Lammi Carmen, Buccioni Michela, Dal Ben Diego, Volpini Rosaria, Marucci Gabriella
Pharma Biotech lab, Department of Chemical Science, University of Camerino, Via S. Agostino 1, Camerino (MC) - 62032, Italy.
Email: [email protected]

  •  Accepted: 06 June 2009
  •  Published: 30 June 2009



Comparative genomic analysis constitutes a powerful approach for the systematic understanding of genome. The comparative and evolutionary analysis of known microRNAs in Homo sapiens elucidates the discovery of the existence of the novel non-coding RNA, which is transcribed from the unique gene precursor and produces three different non coding RNAs such as piRNA, snoRNA and microRNA. This new characteristics RNA is named as x-non coding RNA (x-ncRNA). This characteristic pattern shows evolutionary signatures dictated by its precise selective significance and synteny. The evidence of x-ncRNA processing and functionality from hairpin arms were proven by systematic analysis. x-ncRNA analysis proven the bio genesis of human piRNA is originated from the dsDNA, which is also involved in the synthesis of piRNA and/or microRNA, through dicer. These data also shows the presence of human sno-microRNA. Our data demonstrates that the existence of x-ncRNA, genomic origin, conceivable bio genesis pathway, evolutionary relationship and its functions.


Key words: snoRNA, microRNA, piRNA, Biogenesis, novel noncoding RNA (x-ncRNA).