Full Length Research Paper
Ichthyophthirius multifiliis is one of the most important ciliated protozoan parasites of freshwater fish and has been frequently reported from different fish species from Iran and other parts of the world. The parasite regularly is found in skin and gills with high lesions especially in gills and may result to death by disturbance of osmoregulation.The current study was done in spring and summer 2010 as a part of study of parasitic fauna of fish from Armand River. A total of 100 fish were caught from the river and were transported to the fishery laboratory, Islamic Azad University of Shahrekord, alive. Fishes were studied for parasitic infestation after anesthesia and62 fish of totally 100 studied fish were infected to I. multifiliis. The highest infection rate was observed in Capoeta damascina (33%) and the lowest was in Glyptothorax silviae (1%). High infection of I. multifiliis in native fishes will be accompanied with high lesions in fish.
Key words: Fish parasite, Armand River, Ichthyophthirius multifiliis.
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