January 2011
Export performance of oilseeds and its determinants in Ethiopia
This research examines export performance of oilseeds in Ethiopia using macroeconomic time series data from annual reports of NBE (National Bank of Ethiopia) over the period 1974 to 2009. Analyses of oilseeds export performance through time divulges that the country has not yet diversified the commodity composition and structure of its export, in that its export earnings depend on only a few agricultural products. The...
January 2011
In vitro and in vivo responses of different treating agents against wilt disease of safflower
In safflower Anucop, captan and Mancozeb M-45 were found extremely effective in reducingFusarium oxysporum f.sp. carthami wilt. The seed treatments improved seed germination, seedling vigour and plant stand. Due to these treatments many of the seed-borne fungi failed to express in the normal way. Bioagents formulations viz., Trichoderma harzianum, Bacillus subtilis and Pseudomonas...