Journal of
Cancer Research and Experimental Oncology

  • Abbreviation: J. Cancer Res. Exp. Oncol.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2243
  • DOI: 10.5897/JCREO
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 58

Full Length Research Paper

Clinicopathological and survival significance of BAT-25 and BAT-26 instability in breast cancer among Senegalese patients

Fatimata Mbaye*
  • Fatimata Mbaye*
  • Department of Animal Biology, Faculty of Science and Technology, CheikhAnta Diop University, Dakar, Senegal
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Sidy Ka
  • Sidy Ka
  • Sudanian Sahel Animal Populations Biology (BIOPASS), Research Institute for Development, IRD / Bel-Air, Senegal.
  • Google Scholar
Ahmadou Dem
  • Ahmadou Dem
  • Cancer Institute, Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy and Odontology, Cheikh Anta Diop University, Dakar, Senegal.
  • Google Scholar
Mamadou Kane
  • Mamadou Kane
  • Sudanian Sahel Animal Populations Biology (BIOPASS), Research Institute for Development, IRD / Bel-Air, Senegal.
  • Google Scholar
Mbacké Sembéne
  • Mbacké Sembéne
  • Department of Animal Biology, Faculty of Science and Technology, CheikhAnta Diop University, Dakar, Senegal
  • Google Scholar

  •  Received: 25 July 2015
  •  Accepted: 21 August 2015
  •  Published: 31 August 2015


In some tumors, defects in mismatch repair enzymes lead to errors in the replication of simple nucleotide repeat segments. This condition is commonly known as microsatellite instability (MSI) because of the frequent mutations of microsatellite sequences. The primary aim of this study is to evaluate the clinicopathological and survival significance of BAT-25 and BAT-26 instability, in 60 patients with breast cancer. Polymerase chain reaction was used to amplify the following microsatellite repeat loci BAT-25 and BAT-26. Medical records were studied in order to determine clinical data of BAT-25 and BAT-26, analysis was carried out. 60.71% of cancer tissues analyzed were found to be unstable for both markers.BAT-26 instability has an impact on the age (Od: 15.47; CI 1.08-974; 19, P: 0.020) and survival (P: 0.0342) of patients. BAT-26 which has a poly A sequence, can be considered alone as a good marker for the detection of MSI tumors in breast cancer.


Key words: Cancer, breast, polymorphism, microsatellites, Senegal.