January 2012
Kenyan cut-flower and foliage exports: A cross country analysis
In terms of volume and value, cut-flowers and foliage are the single most important horticultural exports, followed by vegetables and fruits. There are three main consumption centres where the market value for cut-flowers is high these are; the European union (EU), United States of America (USA) and Japan. Competition for these markets are stringent, suggesting that countries may be easily substituted, making it...
January 2011
Public willingness to pay for ecosystem service functions of a peri-urban forest near Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria.
The willingness to pay (WTP) format contingent valuation method (CVM) was adopted to elicit monetary values from some respondents in Arakanga forest reserve (AFR) (a peri- urban forest) near Abeokuta. This was to provide monetary estimates of the ecosystem service functions of the reserve. The respondents were randomly selected from both the neighbors and non-neighbors to the reserve. Data were collected with the aid of...
January 2012
Estimating the cost of common monetary area in SADC countires: A case study from the Namibian Beef Industry, a vector error correction model approach
The aim of this study was to measure the cost of the common monetary area (CMA) to the beef industry in Namibia as a result of the South African Reserve Bank’s monetary policy. A vector error correction (VEC) model was applied to measure the dynamic effect of the interest and exchange rate between the rand/Namibian dollar on the Namibian beef industry, and more specifically to examine how the volatile nature...