Journal of
Development and Agricultural Economics

  • Abbreviation: J. Dev. Agric. Econ.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2006-9774
  • DOI: 10.5897/JDAE
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 558

Table of Content: July, 2015 ; 7(7)

July 2015

Oil palm marketing, Nigeria-lessons to learn from Malaysia experience, opportunities and foreign direct investment in Cross River State

Nigeria’s first goal is to meet the domestic demand and then if possible, seek to become competitive export market in palm oil production. Nigeria is potentially competitive in the domestic market if oil palm sector productivity is increased by shifting the technology frontier further. Transformation of the oil palm industry would enhance the overall economic development through the income and employment effects...

Author(s): N. E. Tiku and F. A. Bullem

July 2015

Factors influencing smallholder farmers’ decisions to participate in livestock markets in Namibia

Across the world, sustained integration of smallholder farmers into commercial agriculture has empowered resource poor smallholder farmers to diversify their livelihoods into non-farm enterprises. The new enterprises have crystallized into socioeconomic development hubs. Associated with the growth of the agricultural sector in developed nations has been the development of highly market-integrated agribusinesses manned...

Author(s): J.  Zuwarimwe and S. M. Mbaai

July 2015

Climate change, irrigation and agricultural activities in Mexico: A Ricardian analysis with panel data

This article analyzes the potential impacts of climate change on agriculture in Mexico using a Ricardian model with panel data. The analysis uses economic data from 2,431 municipalities for the period 2003 to 2009. The study distinguishes between irrigated, rainfed and mixed farms and includes extreme weather events as an additional variable. The results indicate that irrigated farms are more vulnerable to temperature...

Author(s): Luis Miguel Galindo, Orlando Reyes and José Eduardo Alatorre