June 2013
Economic analysis of selected food crops in Ile-Ife of Osun State, Nigeria
Studies showed that young farmers are not attracted to the production of food crops which is central to the reduction of poverty and food security among poverty ridden populace of Osun State. This study analyzes the economic factors responsible for productivity of selected food crops in Osun State. Factors influencing the level of production as well as problems militating against the production of the selected food...
June 2013
Regional differences of technology modernization in agriculture of Pará State
The objective of this study is to identify, through the application of factor analysis and cluster analysis, the spatial organization of the micro hydrographic regions (MRHs) of the State of Pará, as a result of the technology level used in agriculture, the volume of investments, financed credit and by the incorporation of modern means of production. To meet the objectives of the study, information...
June 2013
The performance of potato markets in South Western Uganda
Market-oriented farmers play a significant role in the rural agricultural sector in Uganda. However, these trader-farmers are often disadvantaged by limited access to information, services, appropriate technology and capital. These factors restrict their capacity to effectively participate in the marketing of their produce. In many instances farmers, including those in the potato innovation platforms (IPs) of...
June 2013
Socioeconomic analysis of beekeeping in Swaziland: A case study of the Manzini Region, Swaziland
Swaziland has substantial potential in beekeeping with her rich flora, proper ecological conditions and existence of colonies. However, the Swaziland beekeeping sector has not yet efficiently utilized the rich natural resources. The apiculture sector in Swaziland is still faced with challenges in respect to marketing and importation as a result of the quality of honey and competition from South African honey....
June 2013
Analysis of economic capacity utilization in the Nigerian sugar industry (1970 - 2010)
The study analyzed economic capacity utilization rates in the sugar industry for the period 1970 to 2010 in Nigeria. Secondary data obtained from sugar firms; Central Bank of Nigeria; National Bureau of Statistics and the Federal Ministry of Finance were used in the study. Stochastic Cobb-Douglas cost functions for the sugar industry were estimated from which indices of economic capacity utilization rates...
June 2013
On-farm evaluation of maize varieties in the transitional and savannah zones of Ghana: Determinants of farmer preferences
Maize is one of the most important food crops in Ghana even though its production has not reached self sufficiency levels. Drought and striga infestation are among the most important production constraints of maize in Ghana. Promising high yielding, drought and striga tolerant maize varieties are being evaluated by CSIR and IITA in participatory on-farm trials and demonstrations. These varieties however need...