March 2014
Assessment of operational aspects of the input supply chain under national agriculture input voucher scheme (NAIVS) in Tanzania
This study examines the operational aspects of the National Agriculture Input Voucher Scheme in Tanzania from 2009/2010 to 2010/2011 based on secondary and primary data. Primary data were collected from a random sample of 300 households in four regions namely: Rukwa, Mbeya, Morogoro and Shinyanga. Secondary data were collected from the Ministry of Agriculture Food Security and Cooperatives (MAFC), Agro dealers and Local...
March 2014
Herd mobility, markets and informal insurance practices among herders in Ethiopia
This paper examines portfolio of livelihood strategies that households employ in semi-arid and risky production environment. Results show that there are multiple choices available for pastoral and agropastoral herders to adapt to or cope with the changing conditions. These include herd mobility, relying on traditional early warning, informal asset transfer, livestock fattening (emergence of markets) and in some cases a...
March 2014
Sheep market integration in the Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia
This study examines the existence of the spatial market integration of the different pairs of sheep markets in the Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia. Using modern time series econometric technique, uncovered compelling pieces of evidence of strong steady state linkages of the various pair-wise combinations of the sampled CRV markets, with only an insignificant few segregated routes. The main conclusion of the study is...
March 2014
The Ricardian analysis twenty years after the original model: Evolution, unresolved issues and empirical problems
This paper analyses the wide body of literature that concerns applications of the Ricardian approach to assess the economic effects of climate change on agriculture. Beginning with the original model proposed by Mendelsohn, Nordhaus and Shaw in 1994, the article discusses researchers’ main criticisms of the model and the innovations suggested to overcome its limitations. Finally, the study summarises the...
March 2014
Determinants of live animals and animal products trade within the ECOWAS sub-region: A gravity model approach
The scope and direction of international agricultural trade among nations depend on a number of factors. This study, thus, sought to identify and evaluate the determinants of trade in live animals and animal products among member countries in the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) sub-region. Panel data on values of bilateral merchandise imports of agricultural commodities (HS Codes 1-24) at 2-digits...