Anthropometry is applied in medical profession such as maxillofacial surgery, growth and development studies, plastic surgery, bioengineering and non-medical branches such as like shoe-making and eye-glasses industries. The aim of the present study was to determine facial and cranial parameters among 4 to 11 years old Mashhadian young girls in order to assess growth pattern in this age range. 564 Persian girls aged between 4 to 11 years old resident in Mashhad and had normal facial patterns were selected from schools and kindergartens of the town. At first, frontal photographs in natural head position were taken by an expert person and after scanning all the photographs. They were transmitted to smile analyzer software to measure 13 anthropometric parameters. Pared t-test was used for statistic analysis. Anthropometric results obtained from 4 to 11 years old Fars girls residing in the city of Mashhad show that there is a special discipline in growth of different parts of face and skull. We reached formulas that may have a wide range of applications such as prediction of facial situation of an individual before or after his/her present situation. Such predictions can be helpful in forensic medicine, for instance in finding the lost kids. Reaching a normal range for face dimensions through studies about growth will play an important role in maxillofacial surgery and plastic surgery as well as in study of growth disorders. There are different factors such as ecologic, racial, age, and sex besides all genetic factors that influence the dimensions of human body and the way of its growth and development. Since the Iranian race is a compound one and consists of different races, and there are a wide variety of body dimensions in different parts of Iran, it is necessary to conduct more studies according to the geographical factors and the facial and skull anthropometric data shall be studied in different tribes of Iran. Obtaining an average for each of the variables in Iranian race, the anthropometry studies shall be conducted for different tribes.
Key words: Anthropometry, parameters, girls, growth pattern.