Short Communication
The experiment was conducted on inbred progeny to confirm the inheritance ofTGF-β3 gene polymorphism. A total of 124 inbred synthetic white leghorn chicks were generated and reared in deep litter system under standard feeding, management and health care practices. At 16th week of age, 40 females and 40 males were housed in individual California cage system. Genomic DNA was extracted from these 80 inbred birds by John’s method with some modifications. Chicken gene specific primers (20 bp) were used for amplification of TGF-β3genes loci. Amplified polymerase chain reaction (PCR) product of TGF-β3 gene was digested with Bsel-I restriction enzyme for restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis. There was absence of polymorphism at TGF-β3locus in both male and female inbred progeny and also in parental generation.TGF-β3 gene was monomorphic in both inbred and parental generation.
Key words: White leghorn, inheritance, polymorphism, TGF-β3, polymerase chain reaction, restriction fragment length polymorphism.
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