March 2011
Comparative study of the karyotypes and electrophoretic patterns of Biomphalaria alexandrina and Bulinus truncatus and the ova of their corresponding trematode hosts
The karyotypes of Biomphalaria alexandrina and Bulinus truncatus were analyzed comparatively and classified on the basis of centromere position and the electrophoretic analysis of tissue protein has been used to determine the relationships between the ova of Schistosoma mansoni and Schistosoma haematobium and their respective snail hosts. The two species have the same diploid...
March 2011
Decreasing values, from the North of West Europe to North Africa, of 374F allele frequencies in the skin pigmentation gene SLC45A2: An analysis
The 374F mutation in the SLC45A2 gene encoding the membrane associated transporter protein (MATP) has been suggested to be associated with skin color in Caucasians. In this synthesis, we collected the distribution of the 374F allele in 2910 unrelated subjects from 28 European and 4 North African populations. The highest allele frequency was observed in Denmark (0.98) and the lowest frequencies were observed in Tunisia...