Full Length Research Paper
Sustainable energy supply is necessary for the economic development of a country. Over 80% of the populations of African countries lack an access to sufficient and sustainable energy. Moreover, 3.5 billion people are without electricity, hence a significant number depends on biomass fuels such as charcoal, wood, dung and crop residues for lighting and cooking. This high dependency on fuelwood and lack of efficient delivery of clean energy indicate an infant stage of economic development condition. Togo is relatively rich in energy resources such as solar, biomass energy, hydroelectric and other renewable energy sources. However, it has experienced major political crises since the 1990s that have virtually paralyzed the growth of the economy. While the country is currently undertaking development and modernization reforms in all areas especially in economic modernization, it is important to address the links between energy and sustainable social-economic development. Modern economies are undoubtedly being driven by sustainable energy policies. This paper proposes a sustainable energy utilization model which can be used to cause a paradigm shift in the refocusing of the strategies used in planning future energy policies in Togo. We discuss how, properly harnessed energy resources could lay a strong foundation for sustainable social economic development.
Key words: Togo, economic development, energy, hydro electric power.
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