How to cite this article
Bayu, K. B., & Hunde, D. A. (2020). Corporate governance and its effects on financial performance of banks evidence from selected private commercial banks in Ethiopia. Journal of Economics and International Finance, 12(4), 187-195.
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Kefiyalew Belachew Bayu and Dagnachew Abera Hunde
. "Corporate governance and its effects on financial performance of banks evidence from selected private commercial banks in Ethiopia." Journal of Economics and International Finance 12, no. 4 (2020): 187-195.
Kefiyalew Belachew Bayu and Dagnachew Abera Hunde
. "Corporate governance and its effects on financial performance of banks evidence from selected private commercial banks in Ethiopia." Journal of Economics and International Finance 12.4 (2020): 187-195.