How to cite this article
Laci, S. C., Mark, F. W., Chris, A. D., & Eric, R. B. (2014). Effect of passive acoustic sampling methodology on detecting bats after declines from white nose syndrome. Journal of Ecology and The Natural Environment, 6(2), 56-64.
Chicago /
Laci S. Coleman, W. Mark Ford, Chris A. Dobony and Eric R. Britzke. "Effect of passive acoustic sampling methodology on detecting bats after declines from white nose syndrome." Journal of Ecology and The Natural Environment 6, no. 2 (2014): 56-64.
Laci S. Coleman, et al. "Effect of passive acoustic sampling methodology on detecting bats after declines from white nose syndrome." Journal of Ecology and The Natural Environment 6.2 (2014): 56-64.