April 2020
Petrological characteristics of some cretaceous igneous rocks, in Southwest of Gboko, Southern Benue Trough, Nigeria
Detailed field geological mapping, outcrop petrography and thin-section microscopy are employed to delineate and describe igneous rocks, and to infer the tectono-magmatic and geochemical constraints affecting their emplacement in the Tse-Agberagba area, Southwest of Gboko, Southern Benue Trough. Magmatic activity, coupled with folding and deformation were the effects of the Santonian tectonic episode in the area....
May 2020
Migmatization process and the nature of transition from amphibolite to granulite facies metamorphism in Ikare area south western Nigeria
The Ikare area is underlain by rocks of the migmatite-gneiss-quartzite complex and older granite lithologic groups and charnockites. Categorization of these rocks in the literature and published map is generalized and the rocks are undifferentiated. Though reported in few literature as an area with rocks composed of granulite facie grade, the nature of transition is not well documented. Field and petrographic studies...
June 2020
Sequence stratigraphic study of ‘X’ field in eastern offshore of Niger Delta, Nigeria
An integrated approach to Seismic interpretation that combines techniques of sequence stratigraphic analysis, seismic facies analysis and attribute analysis is one of the most effective approaches for hydrocarbon exploration in growth-faulted deltaic strata of offshore eastern Niger Delta. These strata are generally thick paralic/marine units deposited along an unstable progradational continental margin. Here, shale...