Journal of
Geology and Mining Research

  • Abbreviation: J. Geol. Min. Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2006-9766
  • DOI: 10.5897/JGMR
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 177

Table of Content: DECEMBER; 1(10)

December 2009

The Role of Paleontology in the “Electronic Era”

Author(s):  Ashraf M. T. Elewa

December 2009

Occurrence and quality characterisation of groundwater in hard rock terrains of Karnataka

  Hydrosphere is the term used to define all water bearing units of the earth. It is difficult to understand the occurrence and movement of water within subsurface. The physical and chemical characters of water vary within all the components of hydrologic cycle. Rainwater gets contaminated due to atmospheric pollution. Depending on soil characters the in filtering rain water gets contaminated. Aquifer is the...

Author(s): S. C. Puranik

December 2009

Methodology of the community noise environmental quality assessment: A case study of Indian iron ore mining complex

  Community noise is a term used generally to refer to noise exposure outside the industrial work place. This paper highlights the procedure of determining the noise environmental quality in residential/ commercial/ sensitive areas situated near the industrial (iron ore mining) complex. The noise environmental qualities (NEQ) for each locality were determine from value function curves developed for each noise...

Author(s): A. K. Gorai and A. K. Pal