May 2013
Analysis of orientation of maximum horizontal tensional stress (sHmax) of the Gondwana Barapukuria coal basin, NW Bangladesh: by means of finite element modeling
This paper uses two-dimensional Finite Element Method (FEM) numerical modeling to analyze the orientation of maximum horizontal tensional stress of the Barapukuria coal basin in Bangladesh. An elastic plane stress model incorporating elastic rock physical properties for the coal basin area was used consisting of 2916 elements with a network of 1540 nodes. The stress field at any point of the model is assumed...
May 2009
Chemical composition, geophysical mapping and reserve estimation of clay deposit from parts of southwestern Nigeria
The present study is necessitated as a result of the use of kaolinitic clay as raw material for cement by West African Portland Company (now called Lafarge-WAPCO) situated in southwestern Nigeria. The study area covered an extent of 6 acres and fall within Ajebo town near Abeokuta. XRF and XRD techniques were employed in the determination of the chemical composition and crystalline component...
May 2009
Occurrence of low grade concentration of niobium and tantalum in the granites of Eastern Uis region of Namibia: An exploration based study
The Uis region of Namibia is noted for its rare metal pegmatites that contain tin and the associated elements. However, during the Reconnaissance Geological study carried out by the author earlier, a granite area had shown high value of Ta2O5 and Nb2O5. This granite area was therefore subjected to a detailed exploration studies for tantalum-niobium mineralization. Localized enrichment of Ta2O5 and...
May 2009
Petrographic and chemical characterization of Fe-Ti oxides and sulfides hosted in mafic intrusions, south Sinai, Egypt: Implication for genesis
Fe-Ti oxides and Co-Ni-Cu sulfides hosted by younger gabbroic rocks occurring in Imliq, El-Khamila, Wadi Tweiba, Nakhil and Rahaba localities in south Sinai, consist ilmenite, magnetite and titanomagnetite and pyrite, chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite and pentlandite. They often show fine intergrowths, exsolutions or composite grains. Pyrrhotite is replaced by pentlandite or arranged along the amphibole...