Full Length Research Paper
The bazaar world of Tabriz, as the largest traditional, attached, roofed bazaar in the world with the finest art and Islamic architecture, and with it being located on Silk Road, has played various economic, social, religious, communicational, political and cultural roles during history, in which the bazaar spirit is affected by the roles and their suitable integration. In this research, which is a basic-applied one and which uses a descriptive-analytical method, the qualities of Tabriz historical and traditional bazaar and the efforts done for its world registration on UNESCO’s World Heritage List have been reviewed. Considering that one of the ways of preserving the traditional bazaar of Tabriz is to reduce its loads, in this research, a theoretical model for constructing megamalls in the domain of Tabriz city in order to reduce loads of the traditional bazaar has been presented and integrating physical and functional potentials of the traditional bazaar into megamalls can help to preserve and disseminate the qualities of the traditional bazaar and can also reduce many problems, including the fast-growing sprawl of the city, slum dwelling, traffic and air pollution, which is a step toward sustainable urban development. The model can be generalized to other cities. On the other hand, reducing bazaar loads and presenting suggestions, the bazaar has been regarded as a beautiful tourist pole.
Key words: Disseminating, functional qualities, physical qualities, retaining, sustainable development, theoretical model.
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