Full Length Research Paper
The research examines how urban agriculture as an individual household micro level strategy can directly influence the financial empowerment of urban poor within the Lagos metropolis, positively. Using secondary data collected from government agencies (satellite image, hydrology map, statistical data etc) and primary data collected from field observation and reconnaissance survey; the paper takes inventory of potential land and water resources that can contribute to urban agriculture within Lagos metropolis The research finds out that Lagos metropolis requires 18 times its present size (3,577 km2) to be able to feed her people on sustainable basis. It identifies 4,293 and 28,890 ha of potential land and water resources under the jurisdiction of Federal, State and private ownership, respectively. The paper recommends urban agriculture land use policies that will avoid clash between the interests of farmers and long term government land use goals. It concludes that such well articulated goals need to bear in mind the environmental impact of urban agriculture on the cityscape as well as its management on a sustainable basis such as the choice of crops and ideal number of farmers needed for land and water resources in the State.
Key words: Food security, urban agriculture, urban planning, ecological footprint, ecological city (eco-city).
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