Full Length Research Paper
This study examined the relationships between outdoor and indoor temperature characteristics in Yenagoa, Bayelsa State, Nigeria. It adopted the quasi experimental research design; as such data on meteorological parameters, such as, outdoor and indoor temperature were collected using thermometer and hygrometer, by the researcher in the study area and at designated locations in the metropolis, baring land-use in mind. The effective temperature equation was thereafter used to determine the effectiveness of the indoor temperatures, while the Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient was used to determine the relationships between the outdoor and indoor temperature characteristics. Results indicate that the relationships between indoor and outdoor temperatures were not positive all year round. At the dry periods, outdoor temperatures showed strong correlation with that of indoor at p<0.05, but at rainy season temperatures outdoor showed weak association with indoor temperature at p>0.05. This implies that the relationships between indoor and outdoor temperatures are, to a good extent, dependent on seasons. There is, therefore, the need to design buildings based on climate. Yenagoa being a typical humid tropical area, more windows are recommended for buildings in it to help improve ventilation, and by extension, physiological comfort.
Key words: Outdoor, indoor, effective-temperature, Yenagoa.
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