This study examines traffic congestion resulting from an inefficient transportation system in the study area. It also evaluates the opinion of the stakeholders in the transport sector such as the commuters, transport operators, residents, trailer/tanker drivers, traffic wardens, industrial workers and car owners on the traffic situations and management problems in the study area. The study depended upon the survey research technique to gather relevant data on the respondents, using the questionnaire as the research instrument. The research identified among other things the traffic congestion causative factors as; too many vehicular movements, bad road, too many industrial activities using the road, improper planning of the road network, poor traffic signs/regulations and parking facilities, and ineffective traffic control measure. The study recommends the repair of bad roads, provision of adequate parking facilities, increasing the number of the few bus terminal along the road, provision of adequate park and ride space, prohibition of on-street parking, effective traffic management techniques, reduction in vehicular movements to reduce the over-use of the road, provision of alternative routes and bye-passes, land use relocation to reduce the number of industrial activities, provision of more road furniture like traffic light, lane marking, frequent road assessment and maintenance in the study area.
Keywords: congestion, inefficient traffic system, causes, management measures.