Full Length Research Paper
Community-based ecotourism is utilized to depict an assortment of exercises that empower and uphold a wide scope of destinations in monetary and social turn of events and conservation. It became elective methods for money ages and off-ranch exercises to limit debasements pressure on jeopardized conditions in country zones of Ethiopia, particularly Gorgora. The potentials of Gorgora area help to prepare the community based eco-tourism development. The major objective of this research was to identify Community Based Ecotourism Potentials for Sustainable Development in Gorgora. Both quantitative and qualitative data were generated and analyzed. It would be strengthening through the triangulation of both quantitative and qualitative information which are gotten by methods for the questionnaire survey and the meetings individually. Gorgora has many ecotourism potentials such as Lake Tana - the largest lake in Ethiopia, beaches around Lake Tana, diverse birds’ species paradise, scenic landscape, wildlife, cultural and historical attraction, hotels or lodges and their recreational activities such as swimming, boating, and fishing that can contribute to attract eco-tourists. Lake Tana and its wetland including Gorgora Port Hotel and Lodge are sites for bird watching at shores, water sports at Lake Tana, monasteries and church used for religious ceremony, palace of Susenyos, Mussolini monument, and selassie cave are located at shore of Lake Tana that are used to attract tourists for historical tour and recreation. Thus, promoting community-based ecotourism is an important strategic direction for sustainable development of cultural and natural resources of Gorgora and its’ surrounding, which will improve the livelihood of local communities as alternative means of income generations.
Key words: Ecotourism, potential, community-based-ecotourism, Gorgora, Ethiopia.
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