Full Length Research Paper
The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that the development of Cultural Intelligence - CI through Knowledge Management - KM practices leads to Military Intelligence – MI (prediction, strategy and action). The model of CI based on KM practices and MI - CIKMMI, if applied successful, has potential to receive the United Nations Public Service Awards (UNPSA). The degree of the impact of Cultural Intelligence and Knowledge Management on Military Intelligence depends on the model of the Public Administration. Therefore this article suggests the shift from the New Public Management – NPM that leads to corruption to the New Public Service, based on Social Participation and Social Control. The nomological validity shows the evidence that the structural relationships among constructs, investigated through Structural Equation Modeling and interviews, is consistent with other studies. This work concludes that the CIKMMI model is useful to identify how the learning by comparison with other values, believes and assumptions (CI) and use of KM Practices leads to the effectiveness of MI.
Key words: Cultural intelligence, knowledge management, military intelligence, public administration.
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