Journal of
Law and Conflict Resolution

  • Abbreviation: J. Law Conflict. Resolut
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2006-9804
  • DOI: 10.5897/JLCR
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 103

Table of Content: January-June 2020; 11(1)

January 2020

Conspicuously absent: Women’s role in conflict resolution and peace building in northern Uganda in the context of United Nations resolution 1325

The study, Conspicuously Absent: Women’s Role in Conflict Resolution and Peace Building in Northern Uganda in the Context of United Nations Resolution 1325. The research was carried out in war ravaged Acholi sub region covering the districts of Amuru, Gulu, Kitgum and Pader because they are located in the centre of Northern Uganda conflict between the Government and the rebels commonly known as the Lord’s...

Author(s): Catherine Jendia  

January 2020

Critical appraisal of the Ethiopian Reconciliation Commission: A comparative study

This paper examined the Ethiopian Reconciliation Commission establishment proclamation with a view to assessing the Commission’s probable effectiveness to attain its short, medium and long-term goals as a transitional justice accountability measure. For the purpose of critical appraisal, different factors which appear in the literature to be crucial to the effectiveness of truth commissions such as selection,...

Author(s): Tamene Ena Heliso