Journal of
Land Management and Appraisal

  • Abbreviation: J. Land Manag. Appraisal
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2354-1741
  • DOI: 10.5897/JLMA
  • Start Year: 2017
  • Published Articles: 16

Article in Press

Examining Land Policy Optimization under the Marginal Opportunity Cost of Land and Policy Input-Output Additionality - The Singapore Context

HO, Kim Hin David and Ali Reza Ghanbari PARSA

  •  Received: 25 June 2019
  •  Accepted: 06 December 2019
This paper looks at land policy optimization, resulting in sustainable effectiveness and efficiency, and reflects the Singapore Land Authority (SLA)’s land proprietary power for land alienation to large land-using economic policy options. Such land policy optimization comprises the marginal opportunity cost of land (MOCL) conceptual model, and the policy input-output analytical (PIOA)model under the ‘Additionality (additional impact)’ concept. In the MOCL model, a large land-using office complex competes with other large land-using industrial, retail, port complexes or housing. Land productivity for the land-using office complex is compared with land productivity for other land-using complexes, after the office complex is installed. The PIOA model is concerned with the hierarchical and structural definition of policy, while ‘Additionality’ examines land-policy output variables impacting SLA’s broader land policy efficiency and effectiveness goals, their associated output indicators and the interaction with the macro-economy. Analysis is based on the expectation that land policy conforms to a structural definition, itself a function of specific objectives that sustain land policy effectiveness and efficiency.

Keywords: marginal opportunity cost of land, additionality, land policy input and output analytical model and land use optimization.