Full Length Research Paper
Petroleum derivative consist of a complex mixture of chemical compounds. Petrol station workers who pump fuel to vehicles absorb the products of fuel fumes and the products of combustion. The exposure posses a risk to human health and development of several types of cancers. A total of 120 petrol station workers and 105 control group of individuals in the age group of 17 to 35 years were recruited, a questionnaire based survey was conducted and buccal smears were collected from oral cavity and analyzed for nuclear anomalies. A higher frequency of karyolysis was observed among men (42.54 ± 0.76) than women (41.26 ± 0.59). A significant difference in nuclear anomalies was observed in workers exposed to petrol for longer duration. In addition to this, a higher degree of nuclear anomalies was observed among smokers.
Key words: Petrol station attendants, buccal cells, micronucleus frequency, genotoxicity, petroleum derivatives.
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