October 2009
Complement receptor 1 gene polymorphisms in Tunisian patients with systemic lupus erythematosus
Complement receptor 1 (CR1) is a membrane protein mediating the transport of immune complexes (ICs) to phagocytes, and at least two polymorphisms on the CR1 gene are related to erythrocyte surface density of CR1 molecules, in turn related to the rate of IC clearance from circulation. The aim of the study was to explore whether the polymorphic sites of CR1 gene in exon 22 (His 1208 Arg), and exon 33 (Pro 1827...
October 2009
Ruptured spleen in factor XIII deficiency
Factor XIII deficiency is a rare bleeding disorder, and spontaneous spleen rapture is not reported in cases of this disorder. We report 2 cases of spontaneous ruptured spleen in 2 young Pakistani boys who were known factor XIII deficiency who were presented at the same time within 24 h. Both cases were recovered and one was successfully treated conservatively while the other treated surgically by spleenectomy. It should...