Studies on gender differences in back extensors muscles endurance has been inconsistent and inconclusive. The objective ofthis study was to evaluate gender differences in timed isometric back extensor muscles endurance among apparently healthy adult Nigerians. 376 apparently healthy consecutive adults whose ages ranged between 21 to 62 years with the mean aged 38.9 ± 13.5 years participated in this study. This consisted of193 males (38.9 ± 13.9 years) and 183 age-matched (38.9 ± lO. 6 years) females. The participants performed the BieringSerenson test of Static Muscular Endurance and their height and weight were measured using standard procedures. Percentage body fat was estimated using bioelectrical impedance analysis. Body mass index, lean body mass and bodyfat mass were calculated. The result indicated that males exhibited a significantly greater endurance time (t = 2.48; P = 0.014) than females. The mean endurance times of the males and females in this study were lower than the original Biering-Sorensen values. There was significant correlation between endurance Clrne UTIli e;u\;!l OJ as"" ~<nd the measures ofadiposity without gender bias. Apparently healthy adult Nigerian males have sign~ficantly greater timed back extensor muscles'endurance than thefemales.
Key words: Gender, back extensor muscles, endurance, Sorenson test, Nigerian adults.