Full Length Research Paper
An experiment on the effect of sowing method, variety and seed rate on the growth and phenology of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) was conducted at Teaching and Research Farm of Bayero University, Kano (11058'N and 8025'E) and Dutse Jigawa State (11045'N and 9020'E), Nigeria during the 2009 rainy season. The treatments consisted of three sowing methods (Broadcasting, Dibbling and Drilling), two varieties (Ex-Sudan and E8) and four seed rates (2.5, 5.0, 7.5 and 10.0 kg ha-1). A split-split plot design was used such that sowing method was allocated to main plot, variety to the sub plot and the seed rate was assigned to the sub-sub plot and replicated three times. Results showed that at Dutse, the different sowing methods had no significant effects on plant height at 4 and 10 weeks after sowing. At Kano however, significantly taller plants were recorded with broadcasting method while drilling and dibbling remained at par with shorter plants. Broadcasting also produced plants with significantly higher number of leaves, branches and capsules at both locations. Variety E8 produced plants that are significantly taller, with more leaves and flowers and but produced the lowest yield at both locations. Variety Ex-Sudan flowered and matured earlier and also produced higher grain yield than variety E8. The different seed rates had no significant effect on number of days to flowering and maturity. But with respect to grain yield, planting 5 kg of seeds per hectare produced significantly higher grain yields at both locations, while drilling and dibbling methods produced statistically similar grain yields, although both were significantly higer than dibbling method. A linear decrease in number of leaves and capsules was observed with every increase in seed rate.
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