Full Length Research Paper
Mungbean is one of the major pulses in Tanzania alongside soybeans, chickpeas, cowpeas, pigeon peas, and beans. Factors causes’ low productivity includes lack of improved varieties, disease severity, and drought. This study was objected on evaluating and identifying mungbean genotypes (G) with the most desirable traits. The study consists of five breeding lines and two checks laid in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications in three environments (E) for two growing seasons. The reaction of Mungbean Yellow Mosaic Virus (MYMV) across three environments was not significant, while Cercospora Leaf Spot and anthracnose (ANTH) was significant (p=0.05) for Selian across 2019/20 season. Genotypes AVMU 1601 and AVMU 1693) showed <40 days to flowering and they had an average of 79 and 76 to maturity. Significant differences (p=0.05) were observed for100 seed weight across the environment in both source of variations. Significance (p=0.05) grain yield was observed for only genotypes in all years and the GxE interaction for 2018/19 season. The AVMU 1601 and AVMU 1693 showed high yielding capacity with a range of 779 - 1711 kg/ha compared to checks. This gives more attention to end users to adapt these genotypes in their mungbean farming operation for enhanced productivity.
Key words: Adaptability, climate change, variation, effect, traits.
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