A Seventy-two (72) days experiment sub-diVided into three phases was conducted
to investigate the effect of feeding Guiera senegalesis leaves (Sabara) on intake
and milk yield of lactating goats. The treatments evaluated were three phases of
lactations using five inclusion levels of G. senegalensis leaves. The experimental
diets were fed twice daily to the test animals. Mean yield of milk decreased
significantly (P<0.05) with increase in the length of lactation. Higher milk yield
was obtained in the first phase (0.31kg/day) than the other phases evaluated
(0.28kg/day and 0.18kg/day for phase II and III respectively). Treatment means in
the three phases of lactation evaluated differed significantly (P<0.05) between
each other in terms of feed intake. Mean milk yield of test ingredients were
statistically (P>0.05) similar for the control diet (0%) and 30% inclusion level. It
was concluded that inclusion of G. senegalesis leaves in the diets of lactating Red
Sokoto does at 30% maintained milk yield compared to the control diet
(conventional diets). It is recommended therefore, that phyto-chemistry
assessment be conducted and bioassay for its implication on milk production using
dairy cattle. It is hoped that results of the present study stimulates biotechnological
investgations on its biodiversified usage., involvement as milk-enhancer and
development of strategies for conservation of G. senegalensis plant.
Key words: Milk yield, Feed intake, lactation, red Sokoto Goat, Guiera