Journal of
Public Administration and Policy Research

  • Abbreviation: J. Public Adm. Policy Res.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2141-2480
  • DOI: 10.5897/JPAPR
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 153

Table of Content: May 2009; 1(1)

May 2009

Science entrepreneurship: Challenges and opportunities in India

  The rise of economy and information technology is fast transforming the intellectual property and technology commercialization in the developing world, particularly in India. absence of awarenesss, strong domestic pressure groups, lack of consortium of IP attorneys and scientists, biotechnology firms and private sponsored research coupled with increase in brain drain have tremendously affected growth of...

Author(s): Akshay Anand

May 2009

Supranationalism between the nation-state and international cooperation

  On one hand, supranationalism is a level of international cooperation while on the other hand it is a model of institutional structure present in the European studies, or, in a broader view, in international relationships, as well as a method of cooperation, or integration rather, which depends on positioning the international interactions on the supranational level. The purpose of this article is to examine...

Author(s): Janusz Ruszkowski

May 2009

Ethics and accountability in Nigeria’s public service: An historical overview

  This paper seeks to assess the ethical environment within which the public service in Nigeria has operated since independence through a focus on accountability and control measures specifically designed to guard against abuse and misuse of bureaucratic power. It argues that these measures have failed to provide the service with the necessary ethical environment in the post-independence period due to...

Author(s): Agara Tunde and Olarinmoye Omobolaji