December 2013
Farmer and consumer preferences for rice in the Ashanti region of Ghana: Implications for rice breeding in West Africa
Rice has become an important staple in Ghana in recent years but most consumption is met by imports. In this study, farmers’ preferences for rice varietal traits especially grain quality and the relationship of grain quality with consumer acceptability of locally produced rice was investigated in the Ashanti region of Ghana. Both formal and informal survey approaches were employed to collect data. The farmers...
November 2013
Performance of single cross quality protein maize hybrids evaluated at Samaru-northern guinea savanna zone of Nigeria
Diallel mating design was used to generate fifteen single cross hybrids including fifteen reciprocals. The hybrids were evaluated together with their parents and thirteen checks at Samaru, Northern Guinea Savannah, of Nigeria in the years 2005 and 2006. The experimental design used was 7 x 7 incomplete lattice designs with three replications. There were significant differences between the various genotypes for all the...
November 2013
GGE biplots to analyze soybean multi-environment yield trial data in north Western Ethiopia
The study was undertaken with the objective to examine the nature and to quantify the magnitude of genotype x environment interaction effects on soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] grain yield and to determine the winning genotype (s) for test environments in north western Ethiopia. The experiment was executed at four different locations of Ethiopia for two consecutive years (2007 and 2008) using thirty two genotypes...