Article in Press
Nitrogen (N) is considered one of the most important nutrients affectingphenology, growth, yield, and yield components of maize. A field experiment was conducted during the 2020-2022 main cropping seasons to determine the effect of different rates and times of nitrogen applicationson phenology, growth, yield, and yield components of maize. The experiment was laid out in a factorial randomized complete block design with...
Article in Press
The Crop Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) from the family Euphorbiaceae, a native and origin from South America, is believed to have been introduced into Sub-Saharan Africa by the Portuguese during the 16th century (17th). Despite the breeding efforts and strategies for high yielding varieties available, the average yields in the country are low (< 10 tons/ha), which is attributed due to many factors including virus...
Root Characterization of Wheat Using Basket Method
Article in Press
Root architecture plays an important role in crop performance but study on the root architecture is limited. In this study, a set of fifty bread wheat genotypes that comprised of 49 lines from CIMMYT and a local check Gautam were evaluated for root and shoot traits at the seedling stage at the research farm of Agriculture and Forestry University, Rampur during the wheat season 2016/2017. Significant differences were...
Article in Press
Two field experiments were conducted at the Multipurpose Crop Nursery of the Akenten Appiah-Menka University of Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development, Asante Mampong Campus from September to December, 2017 and April to August, 2018 during minor and major rainy seasons respectively to determine growth and yield response of sweet potato to organic and inorganic fertilizers in the forest-savannah transitional zone...
Article in Press
The production and productivity of Malt Barley is still low and area coverage has not been expanded due to lack of improved malt barley varieties. Hence Identification of adaptable quality malt barley varieties for specific environment is critical to enhance the productivity. To evaluate and identify well adapted malt barley varieties for the study area. The study was conducted at Debre-Markos Agricultural Research...
Article in Press
Wind dispersal and dormancy are biological agents for dispersal and persistence of Tithonia diversifolia seeds. This study combined field and laboratory experiments to establish the dispersal capability, persistence and weed seedbank of Tithonia diversifolia seeds into new niches. Experiment one was set in a Completely Randomized Design to determine the relationship between Tithonia diversifolia seeds and wind speed....
Article in Press
Linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) is one of the most important oil crops of Ethiopia and is considered as the main food crop and the least expensive source of oil for the farmers in many highlands of the country. Even though numerous improved linseed varieties have been released in Ethiopia, the mean seed yield per unit area of the crop remains low due to poor access to improved varieties in study areas. To improve the...
Genetic Variability in Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Genotypes under Irrigated Condition
Article in Press
Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is one of the world’s major cereal crops and a stable food in many regions, grown under both irrigated and rain fed conditions. Currently Ethiopia is expanding wheat production to low altitude areas and off-season irrigated farming. Identification and development of high yielding and adaptive bread wheat genotypes for these created demand is a timely task. There for this research aims to...
Article in Press
Gray leaf spot (GLS) caused by Cercospora zeae maydis is one of the major biotic constraints limiting maize (Zea mays L.) production and productivity in Kenya. The objective of this study was to evaluate inbred lines and select lines resistance to GLS from a diverse collection of genotypes and develop GLS resistant maize varieties. Forty-two diverse genotypes were evaluated for GLS resistance at two disease hotspot sites...
Combining Ability and Heritability Estimates for Yield-Related Traits in Yellow Maize (Zea mays L.)
Article in Press
Despite the important role maize play in Ghana’s food security systems yield has been relatively low compared to other maize producing countries. The objective of this project is to provide information about GCA and SCA variances and effects, estimate heritability, maternal effect so as to identify and select suitable parents, superior cross combinations and the appropriate breeding procedure for yield improvement....
Article in Press
Sweet potatoes are an alternative carbohydrate source to alleviate rice shortages caused by climate change. This study was conducted with the aim of evaluating the genetic diversity of sweet potato agro-morphological traits. Seventy genotypes as well as two controlled trial treatments were performed using augmented design at the Mechara Agricultural Research Center. Of the total genotypes evaluated, 40.28% had a commercial...
Article in Press
Roots hide half as much study of a plant. This part is essential for crop production; the length and depth of the roots determine the capture of water and nutrients limiting condition in bread wheat and are targets for crop improvement. The objective of this work is to study the root architecture of the six Moroccan wheat varieties at the seedling stage in the laboratory. For this reason, an experiment using two different...
Article in Press
Coffee (Coffea arabica L.) is the major cash crop of Ethiopia. The country is ecologically very diverse which allows the coffee plant to grow under wide range of environments between altitudes of 550 to 2600 m. a.s.l. Ethiopia, being the place of origin for Arabica coffee, is endowed with genetic pool wealth of the crop and with enabling environmental conditions to sustainably produce and supply fine specialty coffee that...
Description and elimination of linkage drag in plant breeding: an overview article
Article in Press
Introducing a gene from a donor parent to enhance a cultivar for a certain attribute is one of the objectives of plant breeding. One possible application for wild germplasm is as a source of resistance to disease. The breeder also wants to avoid introducing any more wild germplasm genes that could lower the cultivar's agronomic fitness. One way to introduce a particular gene into plants is through the backcross method of...
Article in Press
Maize is a primary crop in most farming systems and the staple food of the rural population in abundant of the mid-altitude sub- humid agroecology of Ethiopia. Nearly 88% of maize produced in Ethiopia is consumed as foboth sub-humid andmidb-humidand dry grain. Yet, it has low protein content since it is normal maize, with poor protein quality limited by deficiencies in lysine and tryptophan and has an excess of leucine and...
Article in Press
Frogeye Leaf Spot (FLS) is a soybean disease caused by the fungus Cercospora sojina. It is distinctly signified by red-brown circular lesions on the leaves that can move to the stems, pods, and seeds in severe infections. QoI inhibitor fungicides had been priorly used to control C. sojina, but resistance was quickly developed. Without adequate control, yield can be reduced to 40% when environmental conditions are...
Article in Press
Groundnut plays a significant economic role in the lowland and drought-prone regions of Ethiopia. During the main cropping season of 2021/22 in the North, Western Ethiopia Metekel zone at Pawe Agricultural Research Centre, genotypes of groundnut were evaluated for quantitative and qualitative traits. In an 8x8 simple lattice design, 64 groundnut genotypes were evaluated to ascertain the direct and indirect effects of...
Article in Press
The success of a plant breeding program greatly depends on the right choice of parents for hybridization and the gene action of different economic traits. Genetic variation is a key component in broadening gene pools in any given crop population and is critical to the success of yield improvement program. However, limited genetic variation and lack of potential parents and hybrids are the most limiting factors for...
Article in Press
The African Rice Gall Midge (AfRGM), Orseolia oryzivora is one of the major insect pests in Africa including Uganda. Yield losses of up to 100 % are attributed to the AfRGM in different rice growing regions, especially in lowland and irrigated. Some sources of resistance to AfRGM have be developed in West Africa but none of the varieties grown in Uganda is resistant. This study was aimed identifying genotypes with...
Agro-morphological diversity of Amaranth (Amaranthus ssp) Cultivated in Burkina Faso
Article in Press
In Burkina Faso, phenotypic diversity for amaranth (Amaranthus ssp) has not been sufficiently described germplasm conservation, and cultivar development or improvement. This study evaluated 80 amaranth accessions collected from three climatic zones in Burkina Faso for 12 quantitative traits related to plant growth and agronomic producitivity. Accessions were planted in a Fischer block design with three replications at the...
Article in Press
Seed yield is a complex quantitative trait, hence the knowledge of interrelationship between contributing characters and yield is pre-requisite to plan meaningful crop improvement program. A total of 64 bread wheat genotypes were planted at Werer Agricultural Research Center during 2019/20 to assess associations of traits and their direct and indirect effects on grain yield under both optimum and drought stress conditions....
Article in Press
In spite of the importance of quality protein maize to alleviate protein deficiency, almost all maize varieties cultivated in Ethiopia are normal maize varieties, which are devoid of lysine and tryptophan. Perusing combining ability of QPM inbred for grain yield and its components is a vital to design appropriate breeding strategies for the development of nutritionally enhanced maize cultivars. A line x tester analysis...
Article in Press
Evaluation of soybean genetic backgrounds under different growing environments of Ethiopia is necessary to identify the most important traits in soybean genetic improvement. The present study were aimed to evaluate and identify the best performing soybean variety (s) for yield, oil content and estimate the association of yield, oil and other agronomic traits. Nineteen released soybean varities were evaluated in...
Inheritance and detection of QTL in cowpea resistance to brown blotch disease.
Article in Press
Brown blotch disease caused by Colletotrichum capsici, is one of the most important disease affecting cowpea production in Burkna Faso. Every year the disease can cause yield losses as high as 42-100% in farmer’s fileds. In order to determine the nature of genes transmission, inheritance of the resistance has been undertaken. Seedlings of parents and F1, F2 and BC1F1 progeny from crosses involving four susceptible and four...
Article in Press
Twenty genotypes consisting local collections and varieties of fenugreek were evaluated in (RBD) randomized block design for the assessment of genetic variability parameters. Genotypes under observation showed a significant variation (P=0.05) for characters under study. The phenotypic and genotypic coefficient of variability was recorded high for number of branches plant-1, number of pods plant-1, number of seeds pod-1,...
Article in Press
8 Environments explained 49.4%, GxE interaction 28.1%, and genotypes only 5.6% of the total sum of squares due to treatments for the first year of studied period 2018-19 and 2019-20. More than 95% of variations had been accounted for by the first seven interaction principal components. Superiority indexes had identified WH1239, DBW187, HD3249 genotypes as per the BLUE estimates. Same genotypes were highlighted by...
Article in Press
Sorghum is an important staple food crop in Kenya, but its yield is low due to many constraints that include; diseases, drought, soil fertility, and pests, notably parasitic weed Striga hermonthica. Twenty elite sorghum genotypes and one resistant check were evaluated in three replications in a complete randomized design in Agar Gel (AG) experiment and randomized complete block design on selected Striga hotspot farms at...
Article in Press
The study was carried out at Huye, Nyanza and Muhanga districts, with a general objective to assess the major constraints and challenges of sericulture production in Rwanda and propose the way forward for the development of sericulture industry in Rwanda based on case studies of Huye, Nyanza and Muhanga districts. The study used a random sampling which involved three districts, three villages per district- and six...
Article in Press
Sorghum bicolor genotypes in Nigeria were assessed for variability in phenotypic parameters. Eight quantitative and ten qualitative parameters were evaluated in forty-five (45) Sorghum bicolor genotypes. The results from ANOVA and qualitative analyses showed that there was significant variation in the genotypes. Significant positive correlation was also observed amongst the parameters examined. Principal component analysis...
Agronomic and Yield Performance of Yellow Cassava Genotypes across Three Zones in Nigeria.
Article in Press
Vitamin A deficiency (VAD) is a major public health concern for communities that depend mainly on cassava for their daily carbohydrate requirements. About 50% of Nigerians eat cassava at least once a day in various forms while 60% of children under the age of five and 20% of pregnant women in the country are faced with VAD. Therefore, breeding for enhanced pro-vitamin A in cassava to address both food and nutrition...
Article in Press
This study was carried out at the Sakha agricultural research station, cotton research institute, agriculture research center (ARC), Egypt during the three growing seasons 2015, 2016 and 2017. The genetic material used in the present study consists of twelve genotypes, four of them as testers (male parents) and eight genotypes as female parents. In 2015 season the males and female parents were crossed according to line x...
Effect of planting density on vegetative growth and yield of Irish potato in Rwanda.
Article in Press
Potato is one of the most important foods and cash crops in Rwanda. Even though potato has become a very popular food source in Rwanda but the productivity is still low due to many constraints including inappropriate plant spacing. This study was therefore conducted to evaluate the effect of inter and intra row spacing on growth and yield parameters of Irish potato. The experiment used Kuruseke variety with different...
Article in Press
The scarlet eggplant (Solanum aethiopicum L.) is an African traditional vegetable grown for its edibles leaves and fruits, which can contribute to food security in Republic of Benin. However, very little information is available on the genetic variability of this vegetable for varietal improvement purposes. Sixty accessions of scarlet eggplantscollected throughout 52 villages in Benin republic were characterized using 34...
Article in Press
The present research was designed to study the association of different agronomic and fiber quality traits through correlation analysis and the relative importance of each traits on lint yield. The experimental design used was Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications. The result indicated that significant and positive association among four agronomic traits (boll number per plant, seed cotton yield, ginning...
Article in Press
The experiments were conducted to estimate the combining ability and heterosis in yield and yield components of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. The experiment was conducted at the Teaching and Research farm of the Department of Crop Production and Horticulture, Modibbo Adama University of Technology, Yola (Latitude 90 141 N and longitude 120 321 E) Adamawa state and at Taraba state Agricultural Development progroamme...
Water use efficiency: behavior of upland rice lines under water deficit.
Article in Press
Upland rice (Oryza sativa) is affected by several biotic and abiotic factors that limit the yield potential of cultivars. In relation to water deficiency, the development of drought tolerant and water efficient cultivars is a priority in breeding programs. With this study aimed to evaluate the agronomic behavior of upland rice lines subjected to different irrigations depths aiming for the selection of genotypes that are...
Article in Press
Ten yellow-fleshed cassava genotypes and two released cassava varieties (check) were evaluated in two agro-ecological zones of Nigeria to access their yield performance, agronomic parameters and genotypes by environment interaction effects. The study was conducted in 2017 and 2018cropping seasons at Umudike (humid rainforest)and Otobi (derived savanna), the trials were conducted in a randomized complete block design (RCBD)...
Characterization of Sorghum Genotypes Using Qualitative and Quantitative Traits
Article in Press
The present investigation was carried out using 30 different sorghum genotypes grown in randomized block design from June-Dec. 2019. All genotypes were evaluated and classified on the basis of various DUS parameters viz., qualitative and quantitative as per the guidelines for the conduct of test for Distinctiveness, Uniformity and Stability on sorghum by PPV & FRA, GOI. The observation were taken on five randomly selected...
Article in Press
This study was conducted at research and farmers’ field. Seven new promising and three standard checks in total ten hybrid varieties were planted and evaluated in 2013 main season. At research field the genotypes were tested under sole and inter cropping in two replications and each genotype was planted in two rows using spacing 0.75 cm and 0.30 cm between consecutive maize rows and between plants, respectively....
Article in Press
Geographical distribution of landrace robusta coffee due to its adaptability to different climatic conditions, necessitate the study of relative diversity of available cultivars among Nigeria farmers. Morphological markers proved basic information on observable traits. Six landrace accessions and one accession from germplasm were collected for this study. Ate-kekere (ATK), Shekoni (SEK), Iyamuye (IY1), Kabba bunu (KB3),...
Article in Press
Association of traits between yield and yield components plays a great importance for the development of high yielding maize genotypes. The study included twenty-four open pollinated maize genotypes planted in a randomized complete block design at the main experimental station of Jigjiga Pastoral and Agricultural Research Center with the aim of establishing the association and direct and indirect effect of various...
Article in Press
Two wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes were evaluated over two seasons (2017/2018 and 2018/2019), at three locations in the irrigated scheme of Newhalfa, Sudan, to study the inter-relationships between yield, yield components and other agronomic traits of the genotypes. A randomized complete block design with three replications was used. Data were collected on grain yield, some of its components and other growth...
Article in Press
A multi- locations field trial was conducted for two consecutive seasons 2017/2018 and 2018/2019 at three locations of Newhalfa irrigated scheme to estimate genotype by environment interaction for some growth attributes, yield and yield components of two wheat genotypes. A randomized complete block design with three replicates was used to lay out the field trial. Highly significant differences at the genotypes level,...
Article in Press
Chocolate spot caused by Botrytis fabae is one of the major biotic constraints of faba bean production in the highlands of Ethiopia. Therefore, the current work was designed to evaluate the effect of varieties and fungicide spray frequency on disease development and crop performance. Field experiments involving four faba bean varieties and four fungicide (Mancozeb 80% WP) spray frequencies were carried out at two locations...
Article in Press
The fungus Magnaporthe oryzae causes rice blast disease leading to substantial yield losses in Uganda. Therefore, it is necessary to test the reaction of R-genes to the strains of the fungus prevalent at a particular area to these genes before incorporating the carrier lines of such genes into a rice breeding programme through gene pyramiding. This study was aimed at understanding the effectiveness of R-genes to the...
Article in Press
White lupin (Lupinus albus L.) is rich in quality protein, relatively tolerant to drought, soil salinity and acidity, increase the fertility of soils and can contribute to improved agricultural sustainability, food security and reduce malnutrition which has close associations with climate change. This study was conducted to assess genetic variability of white lupin genotypes for agronomic traits and nutrient contents of...
Article in Press
Pennissetum glaucum L. the poaceae family used to be grown under monocroping conditions where its succeeding yield in the same field is severely affected because of self toxicity. The present study was conducted to evaluate the self-toxic effect of P. gluacum (seeds and whole plant extracts) on its growth rate. It came out that pearl millet growth was enhanced by 5% of its aquous extract but significantly affected at...
Article in Press
Sesame is a very important oil crop produced in Ethiopia mainly for export purposes. Regardless of wide cultivation of the crop it’s susceptibility to shattering is highly affecting yield and quality. Studies suggest that there is some natural variation towards shatter resistance in sesame. This study aims to quantify and screen non shattering capacities of seventy eight sesame accessions collected from different parts...
Article in Press
Groundnut is an important legume crops for small scale farmers in different parts of Tigray region where recurrent drought stress and land degradation severely affects its yield and quality. Drought stress is the main yield and quality limiting factors in most of the groundnut producing regions. This study aimed at assessing the effect of drought stress on groundnut performance and differential yield response of genotypes...
Article in Press
Quality seed is a key input for agriculture, with a direct impact on agricultural production and productivity. Local seed business (LSB) development in Ethiopia is focusing on organizing and supporting groups of farmers to produce and market quality seed of local preferences. The activities of four local seed businesses supported by University of Gondar and other partners are assessed from 2012 till 2018. These LSBs...
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