June 2014
Effect of initial stem nodal cutting strength on dry matter production and accumulation in cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz)
This study was done to determine the effect of initial node strength on dry matter yield of cassava. Studies were conducted at the Waterloo Research Campus, University of Trinidad and Tobago using the sets of Mexican variety (Mx) at 6 months with 1 to 3 nodes, 4 to 9 cm, and dry matter of 6 to 15 g/set. The crop was established at 60 × 80 cm and treated with a compound NPK fertilizer. Growth analysis (functional...
June 2014
Successful boll development after ovary damage during emasculation of Upland cotton flowers
Gossypium hirsutum flowers are easily emasculated by splitting the staminal column with the fingernail and removing the corolla and androecium. However, any damage to the ovary is considered detrimental to successful boll formation and damaged flowers are typically discarded. This study evaluated boll retention after different emasculation treatments. Removal of the membrane surrounding the ovary reduces boll...