March 2013
Heterosis and nature of gene action for yield and its components in faba bean (Vicia faba L.)
Five Egyptian parental genotypes of Faba bean were used for carrying out half diallel design to study heterosis and nature of gene action for earliness, vegetative, yield and yield components traits. Mean squares of genotypes were found to be highly significant for all studied traits. The results showed that the majority of crosses exhibited significant heterosis estimates for better parent for all studied...
March 2013
Combining abilities of maize inbred lines for grey leaf spot (GLS), grain yield and selected agronomic traits in Kenya
The genetics of resistance to grey leaf spot (GLS) disease, grain yield and selected agronomic traits was studied in 42 F1 progenies from a full diallel cross among seven maize inbred lines. These 42 F1 progenies and seven parents were evaluated at three locations; Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI), Kiboko, KARI Kakamega and University of Nairobi (Field station) during the period June...