Journal of
Plant Breeding and Crop Science

  • Abbreviation: J. Plant Breed. Crop Sci.
  • Language: English
  • ISSN: 2006-9758
  • DOI: 10.5897/JPBCS
  • Start Year: 2009
  • Published Articles: 453

Table of Content: October-December 2023; 15(4)

October 2023

Targeting and mapping resistance to Cercospora sojina in two elite soybean (Glycine max L.) populations

Frogeye Leaf Spot (FLS) is a soybean disease caused by the fungus Cercospora sojina. It is distinctly signified by red-brown circular lesions on the leaves that can move to the stems, pods, and seeds in severe infections. QoI inhibitor fungicides had been priorly used to control C. sojina, but resistance was quickly developed. Without adequate control, yield can be reduced to 40% when environmental conditions are...

Author(s): Stella K. Kantartzi, Kelsey McAllister and Yi-Chen Lee

October 2023

Controlled pollination and representativeness of the parental genotypes used during the regeneration of old Tall coconut accessions (Cocos nucifera L.) from the International Collection for Africa and the Indian Ocean

After 20 years of conservation of accessions of Tall coconut palms in the International Coconut Collection for Africa and the Indian Ocean (ICC-AIO), they become unusable because of the hight of the coconut palms which makes variety creation operations difficult. The regeneration of old accessions was therefore undertaken. However, the representativeness of the parental palms used as male or female genitors during the...

Author(s): Yao Saraka Didier Martial, Koffi Eric-Blanchard Zadjéhi., DARAMCOUM Marie Pierre Wentoin Alimata, Konan Konan Jean Louis, Bourdeix Roland, Diarrassouba Nafan, Konan Kouamé Jean Noel and SIE Raoul Sylvère  

November 2023

Insights into finger millet production: constraints, opportunities and implications for improving the crop in Uganda

Finger millet [Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn.] is an important staple food crop cultivated by many smallholder farmers in drought prone areas of Africa for food, nutritional security and income generation. It serves as an important source of energy, proteins, minerals and calcium to many Ugandans. In addition, the sale of finger millet grain and value-added products like the different “busheera” beverages...

Author(s): Faizo Kasule, Ronald Kakeeto, Denis Erro Tippe, Daniel Okinong, Charles Aru, Peter Wasswa, Chrispus A.O Oduori, and Scovia Adikini