April 2014
Goal orientation of Brazilian skateboarders
The aim of this research is to evaluate the goal orientation (task and ego) of skateboarders based on a descriptive research. We evaluate thirty one male skateboarders aged between 12 to 30 years (age average: 19.54 ±4,98), who live in São Paulo City, Brazil. They answered the TEOSQ (Task and Ego Orientation in Sport Questionnaire), and the results showed that the average for task orientation was 4.47...
April 2014
Psychological profiles of talented male youth athletes in team sports games
To represent the relationship between psychological skills and performance level in ball team sports within a youth talent group, 216 youth Tunisian male athletes representing four sports ball games (16 to 18 years) packed in the third version of the Ottawa Mental Skills Assessment Tool-3 with scales for Goal Setting, Self Confidence, Commitment, Stress Reactions, Fear Control, Activation, Relaxation, Imagery, Mental...